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Awesome Star Wars

Star Wars: Retold

Star Wars: Retold

Created by freelance artist Joe Nicolosi, Star Wars: Retold is pure cinematic gold; it’s told from the point of view of his friend Amanda, who has never seen an entire Star Wars film.

Papercraft R2-D2

Papercraft R2-D2

Those intrepid papercrafters continue to amaze us, this time with a beautifully detailed version of our favorite astromech droid; R2-D2 comes complete with rotating head and legs.


The Force Trainer

The Force Trainer

Okay, so you won’t be tossing X-Wings around anytime soon with The Force Trainer, but it does read your brain waves and “train” you to move a ball upwards by merely concentrating.



Sure, robots could save lives, but truth be told we’ll probably make them serve beer: Jamie Price’s BaR2D2 is an RC mobile bar with an elevator and six-bottle shot dispenser.

Star Wars Clock

Star Wars Clock

While we’re expecting a copyright take-down notice any day now, this Star Wars clock by YOUgNeek has us reminiscing of Death Star trench runs and days spent womp-rat hunting.

Lightsaber Nunchucks

Lightsaber Nunchucks

No special effects here: this Lightsaber Nunchucks video is actually a pair of 6″ glow sticks attached with a link chain and then twirled around in front of a high speed camera.

Life-Size R2-D2

Life-Size R2-D2

Didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas? True Jedi Masters won’t settle for anything less than this life-sized R2-D2, complete with retaining bolt, lights and sounds. Limited to 250.


Starship Xmas Tree

Starship Xmas Tree

You haven’t geeked out Christmas until you’ve decked the halls with starship models like this tree by JD Hancock; it’s primarily for Trekkies, thought we do spy an X-Wing.

Paper Millennium Falcon

Paper Millennium Falcon

The YT-1300 that made the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs is also the lightest, with this awesome papercraft version of the famed Millenium Falcon; get the full instructions here.

R2-D2 Chorus Line

R2-D2 Chorus Line

R2-D2 has always been cool cute (unlike Ewoks, who were annoying cute); this chorus line by the R2-D2 Builders Club in California is a uber cool homage to our favorite droid.

SW: TOR Documentary

SW: TOR Documentary

Get a sneak peek of Star Wars: The Old Republic in the documentary above; they cover fast-paced action combat, tons of characters, light/dark side moral choices and companions.

Custom Star Wars Wii

Custom Star Wars Wii

This Star Wars Wii is a one-of-a-kind bundle that comes with a yellow backlit logo, 85 fiber optic stars, and The Force Unleashed; even the Wiimote and Nunchuck sport custom red LEDs.


Star Wars Silent Movie

Star Wars Silent Movie

George Lucas would do well to follow the lead of this “remastered” cut of Star Wars; set in monochrome to a rousing ragtime tune, this silent movie version is surprisingly entertaining.

X-Wing Red Five

X-Wing Red Five

And a million fans cried out in joy: eFx Collectibles’ 23″ long X-Wing is based on the original miniature, with S-foils that open and close and Luke Skywalker in the cockpit. Thanks, Pek!

CG/Steampunk Star Wars

CG/Steampunk Star Wars

The winners of the CGTalk forums’ Star Wars steampunk contest are up, and man are they sweet: you’ll see everything from steam-powered AT-ATs to a pistol-packin’ Princess Leia.

Star Wars: Behind the Scenes

Star Wars: Behind the Scenes

Binary Bonsai’s Michael Heilemann has uploaded a tibanna mine of 500 behind the scenes Star Wars photos; they include on-set shots, matte paintings, starship models and costumes.

Star Wars Cookbooks

Star Wars Cookbooks

We have to wonder how palatable Wookie Cookies are, but these two Star Wars Cookbooks with 50 recipes are going for only $15: perfect if you’re going to the Jedi culinary academy.

Voice Activated R2D2

Voice Activated R2D2

Short of becoming a Jedi, this voice-activated R2D2 does it all; it’ll respond to simple commands, act as a room sentry and even play tag using an infrared sensor to detect motion.

Han Solo in Carbonite

Han Solo in Carbonite

Han, old buddy, the flash-frozen look really suits you: this sweet 12″ Han Solo piece is made from polystone, not Carbonite, but it is suspended from the wall using a magnet and pin.

Custom Star Wars Art

Custom Star Wars Art

Can’t convince your friends you’re a Sith Lord? NovaPop’s custom Star Wars art shows the power of your Dark Side by personalizing Storm Troopers, Palpatine or Boba with your own face.

Star Wars Campaign Ads

Star Wars Campaign Ads

With the presidential elections behind us, it’s time to turn to the hotly contested Palpatine and Calrissian race; yes, that’s really Billy Dee Williams trying to unite Jawas and Sandpeople.

Star Wars Halftone Art

Star Wars Halftone Art

S. Hafsteinsson’s tongue-in-cheek Star Wars halftone art mixes old photos of Iceland with storm troopers, Nebulon-Bs and AT-ATs; check out Reykjavik Invasion and Troopa De Elite.

Kotobukiya 50% Off

Kotobukiya 50% Off

TFAW.com is having an incredible 50% off sale for their Star Wars Kotobukiya vinyl statues; to get the discounted price, click on the various 50% off coupons or enter SWKOTOS at checkout.


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