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Awesome Star Wars

172 Voyager Episodes

172 Voyager Episodes

Artie Vierkant plays all 172 episodes of Voyager simultaneously at 14x speed, an act which will not only turn you into an instant Trekker but rip a hole in the space/time continuum.

5/4 Star Wars Wedding

5/4 Star Wars Wedding

A meteorite ring inscribed “May The 4th Be With You,” lightsaber-wielding bridesmaids: yup, another Star Wars wedding, this time with Han and Leia forming a Rebel Alliance.


Good v Evil T-shirt

Good v Evil T-shirt

We’ve died and gone to geek heaven: football and Star Wars fans will love this Good v Evil t-shirt; let’s the hope empire doesn’t strike back after Han makes the first 100 yard Kessel Run.

Light Sabers x Segways

Light Sabers x Segways

VBS.tv’s Itsy visits the New York Jedi Academy, learns to joust with lighsabers on Segways from a stage-trained fencer and gets chewed out by a butt-paddling, bearded Yoda.

Darth Vader Alarm Clock

Darth Vader Alarm Clock

We’d think twice about snoozing with this Darth Vader Alarm Clock, which features three sound effects, glowing red digits, audio jack input and force grip if you nap too long.

Star Wars Chess Set

Star Wars Chess Set

Available for preorder, this Star Wars Chess Set features 32 shiny silver and gold pewter renditions of Han, R2-D2, Darth; the board features a glass top etched with the Death Star.

Nature Trooper T-shirt

Nature Trooper T-shirt

Liked the Star Wars Organics tees? The Empire continues to celebrate Earth Day in style with this Nature Trooper t-shirt; it’s decked out with animals, minus those annoying Ewoks.


Star Wars Organics Tees

Star Wars Organics Tees

The Empire goes green with its Star Wars Organics tees; all across the galaxy, Jawas recycle, Rebels ride tauntauns to work and Vader force chokes anyone who starts wildfires.

AT-AT Anatomy Tee

AT-AT Anatomy Tee

We’d always wondered why the Empire’s AT-AT walkers seemed a bit arthritic: rubyred’s AT-AT Anatomy t-shirt gives us a rare glimpse at the bones inside the feared walker.

Star Wars x MacGyver

Star Wars x MacGyver

The same folks who brought us that Star Wars x Dallas mashup are back, this time with MacGyver; it’s basically one action sequence after another, making it downright fun in an 80s-tastic way.

LEGO Star Wars Dictionary

LEGO Star Wars Dictionary

Now available for preorder: LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary is filled with hundreds of photos of minifigs, spaceships, weapons, and even that drool-inducing Death Star.

Sci-Fi Estate Auction

Sci-Fi Estate Auction

A geektastic amount of sci-fi loot hits the auction block 4/30, including Blade Runner’s blaster, Terminator’s HK Tank, Wolverine’s claws, Darth Maul’s lightsaber and a Halo 3 rifle.


Rock Out, Rebel Scum!

Rock Out, Rebel Scum!

Stormtroopers are pretty poor shots, but they’re apparently pretty good at jamming out the Imperial March; this Rock Out, Rebel Scum! t-shirt is available at Teextile for only one more day.

Pilot Episode: Planet TR-57

Pilot Episode: Planet TR-57

Planet TR-57 is a new web series that recasts the classic band of misfits as LEGOs; the pilot episode above debuted on March 27 and should bring a smile to the faces of Star Wars fans.

Sexy Lightsaber Fight

Sexy Lightsaber Fight

NSFW, NS for ladies and definitely NS for anyone with a brain, Sexy Lightsaber Fight has little going for it other than two chicks losing their clothing, which for some is more than enough.

Timeline: The Old Republic

Timeline: The Old Republic

This timeline trailer for The Old Republic has us genuinely excited over the upcoming MMO; the Jedi Temple gets leveled, the Republic concedes, and the Sith control half the galaxy.

Star Wars x Mario Bros.

Star Wars x Mario Bros.

On display at Gallery1988 in Los Angeles, these acrylic paintings by Misha bring together two of geekdom’s most revered franchises: Super Mario Brothers and Star Wars.

Star Wars x Dallas Intro

Star Wars x Dallas Intro

We’re not sure how many of you even remember Dallas, but this video mixes the 80s oil baron soap opera’s intro with our favorite Star Wars characters; corny, but kinda cool.

LEGO: Home One

LEGO: Home One

Star Wars fans, welcome “home”: Home One is a 7 foot long LEGO reproduction of the Mon Calamari flagship; it’s built from 35,000 pieces and a chain of internal LED lights.

Imperial March Tesla

Imperial March Tesla

If you liked Zelda with tesla coils, you’re gonna love ArcAttack’s Imperial March rendition; some crazy mofo in a Faraday suit = Emperor going nuclear on Vader in SW: RotJ.

Space Junk! T-shirt

Space Junk! T-shirt

Frakking awesome: we’re digging the hot gradient line art on black stylings of this Space Junk! Tee, which is packed with references to Star Wars, Star Trek, 2001 and BSG.

Star Wars vs. BSG

Star Wars vs. BSG

This Star Wars vs. Battlestar Galactica battle is pure awesome, with Battlestars, Star Destroyers and fighters duking it out; be sure to read the resultant jargon-laced feud in the comments.



We never thought we’d see “AT-AT” and “cute” together in a sentence, but these pictures by Nick Drummond of “ATilla” show a softer side to the death-dealing Imperial walker.


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