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Awesome Cgi

Millenium Falcon Stop Motion

Millenium Falcon Stop Motion

CGI stop-motion video showing the assembly of the LEGO Millenium Falcon. Francisco Prieto spent three years modeling bricks and animating. The song is Chambermaid Swing by Parov Stelar.



A short film by Digital Miso about a man who has synesthesia, a neurological condition wherein a stimuli activates multiple senses. In this man’s case, sounds cause him to see colored blocks.




Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez developed Separable Subsurface Scattering, a technique that renders realistic skin in real-time. Jimenez hopes that SSSS will lead to more engaging video games.



(NSFW: Language) RL7 is a war machine, a robot made for combat. But it keeps having what it claims are memories and dreams. A short film by concept designer and VFX artist Aaron Sims.

DIGIC Pictures Demo Reel

DIGIC Pictures Demo Reel

It used to be that CGI cinematics in games were the things you skipped, but DIGIC proves these sequences can be powerful, dramatic, and every bit as good as anything you’d see in the theater.

The Future of CGI

The Future of CGI

We already saw how amazing Andy Serkis was portraying Caesar in Planet of the Apes, but did you know the inanimate objects in CGI scenes also required motion capture actors? Nope, us neither.

Markerless MoCap Demo

Markerless MoCap Demo

Motek Entertainment and Dynamixyz are working on a CGI MoCap system which doesn’t need those silly marker dots, and produces impressive results from just raw capture data. More here.


The Scream Animated

The Scream Animated

Sebastian Cosor and his highly talented crew breathe life into Edvard Munch’s famous work of art. The visuals and the addition of depth are stunning. Check out the Winter Version here.

Little Tombstone

Little Tombstone

A tension-filled showdown between The Good and The Bad. But in a cutthroat world, sometimes it doesn’t matter which side of the law you’re on. Another great production from students of ESMA.

Apocalypse Later, Surf Now

Apocalypse Later, Surf Now

YouTuber keef70 salvaged a surfing video shot on a foggy day and turned it into an even darker scene. The effects aren’t perfect, but the music – The Whales by The Mermen sets the right mood.

Apes Without CGI

Apes Without CGI

Watch two minutes of Andy Serkis emotive performance in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, before the application of CGI – proving yet again why there should be a special Oscar just for him.

The Beauty of Battlefield 3

The Beauty of Battlefield 3

You’re probably too busy trying to replicate that airborne bazooka kill to notice the details, but slow down for a couple of minutes and check out the sheer gorgeousness of BF3’s Frostbite engine.


Keloid (Trailer)

Keloid (Trailer)

Big Lazy Robot’s short film Keloid looks promising just based on its AI-focused premise. It doesn’t hurt to realize that this trailer contains no live footage and is composed entirely of CGI either.



A touching tale of a loyal dog, and his master robot. A reminder to humans: never let technology take over the important things in life. A short film by Greg Omelchuck and MoontowerVFX.



With impressive visuals like these, it starts out looking like a Blade Runner clone, but Stargate Studios short film eventually turns into an action-packed thriller on the streets of San Francisco.



After a long wait, Jesús Orellana’s animated science-fiction short ROSA can now be seen in its entirety. A visually stunning short film, especially given its budget of… zero dollars. A true labor of love.



We have a hard time believing this wonderfully choreographed animation is Or Bar-El’s “first attempt at 3D animation.” Sure, the shapes are primitive, but the storytelling is masterful.



Animation and math geeks will love this clip from Peter Peake, featuring the smartest dinosaur we’ve ever met. With his trig and long-division skills, we’re surprised he couldn’t avoid extinction.

Curious Times

Curious Times

Conduit Productions show that although he seems entirely capable of killing the cat, curiosity most likely won’t in this stylish spot for the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business.

Before Pixar

Before Pixar

This archival footage dates back to 1972, and is the first 3D rendered film created by Ed Catmull, who would later go on to found Pixar, and is now President of Disney and Pixar Animation Studios.

Chump and Clump

Chump and Clump

While it might start out like any other computer animated cartoon, Chump and Clump quickly descends into a drug and booze induced haze. Come for the animation, stay for the trip.

Unlimited Detail Tech Demo

Unlimited Detail Tech Demo

Euclideon claims they’ve busted the polygon count limitations of graphic engines, providing insane amounts of detail in this early demo of their tech. Or is it just a scam? (Thanks, Michael!)

Through the Viewfinder

Through the Viewfinder

Last time Black Moon dude dropped by, he almost got hit by a train. The scene is a little more peaceful this time, but still needs some VFX. Someday, cameras will have this feature built in.


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