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Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

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Written by Paul Strauss | June 13, 2024

Lexus teamed up with luxury appliance brand Monogram to create the ultimate pizza kitchen on wheels. This special Lexus GX 550 has a Monogram Smart Flush Hearth Oven in its cargo area, split rear doors with a wine and spirits bar, and storage for a pizza peel. The Monogram GX will be on display at the Food & Wine Classic, June 14-16, in Aspen, CO.

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

Lexus Monogram GX Cooks Pizzas + Serves Drinks

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