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Awesome Videos

Blade Runner Universe: BtS With Adam

Blade Runner Universe: BtS With Adam

Watch Adam Savage from Tested speak in hushed tones and geek out as he takes us on a very informative tour of the set of 2048: Nowhere to Run, the prequel to the new blockbuster film (and one in which he was an extra). His enthusiasm is infectious.

9 Things about Scream

9 Things about Scream

(Gore) Did you know that Scream‘s original title was Scary Movie? And that the Ghostface mask was just some generic off-the-shelf mask that the movie made famous? How about the fact that Ghostface’s phone voice is also Mojo Jojo? All that and more in CineFix’s video.


HISHE: Spider-Man: Homecoming

HISHE: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming was a triumphant comeback for Spidey and had a memorable villain. But its plot still has lots of stupid holes in it. Seriously Tony, you could’ve had at least one of your armors guard your cargo plane.

Physical Injuries in Movies

Physical Injuries in Movies

Like a costume or a prop, a character’s physical condition can also be used to give us clues about their fundamental struggles, successes, or transformation. Now You See It drives the point home with examples from Forrest Gump, Bonnie and Clyde and more.

Wheel of Future History

Wheel of Future History

(PG-13: Language) Exurb1a imagines a game show where species from all over the universe select what kind of future they will have. As luck would have it, we are today’s contestant. Find out our best and worst case scenarios, and ask yourself where you think we’re headed.

Bobby Brown: Roots Lead to Water

Bobby Brown: Roots Lead to Water

Bobby Brown and pals decided to return to take us on a dazzling ride through what seems like every nook, cranny and mogul on the beefy Alyeska mountain in Alaska in this slickly shot vid. Tip: this piece is best viewed while seated, munching on pizza and french fries.

Agent of Connection

Agent of Connection

Sometimes the simplest acts can have a lasting impact. Ivan Cash’s Agent of Connection features William Cromartie, a BART station agent who finds great satisfaction in greeting his commuters. Hats off to you, William – it’s nice to have a friend in the cold, hard city.


How Games Teach Us to Play Their Way

How Games Teach Us to Play Their Way

“Encourage the behavior you want, rather than discouraging the behavior you don’t.” Mark Brown calls his video “How Game Designers Protect Players from Themselves.” But it’s actually about designers protecting their vision. Either way, it’s a must watch.

Justice League Trailer Spoof

Justice League Trailer Spoof

“What’s the point of meeting in secret if you’re gonna land like an H-bomb?” Wonder Woman needs to cool it with her entrances, the Flash needs to cool it with the pushing, and Batman is nowhere to be found in ArtSpear Entertainment’s Justice League parody.

The Slinky Master

The Slinky Master

We know they walk down stairs, alone or in pairs, and make a slinkity sound, but we had no idea that a Slinky could be used as the centerpiece for a crowd-pleasing stage show, as this participant on a Chinese TV talent show demonstrates. Original video here.

Sweet Dreams (Are Made of Disks)

Sweet Dreams (Are Made of Disks)

The Floppotron plays a song which feels like it was tailor-made to be performed on old floppy and hard disk drives – Eurythmics’ 1981 classic Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). The synth sounds just work perfectly on the computer hardware, and who are we to disagree?

Making a Cardboard Rat Trap

Making a Cardboard Rat Trap

The Q shows us how to create a battery-powered trap that can safely catch a rat or other small creature behind bars, using cardboard, wooden sticks, hot glue, and a simple electronic trigger. We’re sure a rodent could chew through it quickly, but it’s still a neat build.


Latvia, Journey of Flavours

Latvia, Journey of Flavours

The Storytravelers went on a exploratory road trip to the Riga-Gauja region in Latvia, the official European gastronomic destination of 2017, and showcase its authentic rich culture to the world in this well shot and appetite-inducing short film.

Giant Pocket Knife

Giant Pocket Knife

That’s not a knife. THIS is a knife! The exaggerations in the video for this giant “pocket” knife make it sound like an April Fools’ gag, but it turns out that the 32.25″ long Giant Microtech Halo V 3X really was available a few years back for just under $10,000.

The Mad Doctor

The Mad Doctor

Go back to 1933 with this thoroughly creepy Walt Disney cartoon, starring Mickey Mouse as he attempts to rescue his dog Pluto from an evil doctor. Beyond its Halloween-appropriate plot, it’s a great reminder how good animation can be when every single frame is hand-drawn.

The Number of the Bossa Nova Beast

The Number of the Bossa Nova Beast

What did I see? Could I believe… that what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy? Musician and remixer Andy Rehfeldt presents an brilliant and easygoing version of Iron Maiden’s devilish track set to a smooth bossa nova beat.

What’s Wrong with YouTube?

What’s Wrong with YouTube?

(PG-13: Language) “I’m trying to poke the YouTube algorithmbot with a stick…” Tool expert AvE rants about problems with YouTube, whose policies and ad model make creators pennies (and publishers $0), forcing them to make even more annoying sponsored content.

Cleaning with a Laser 3

Cleaning with a Laser 3

We’ve seen lasers take off layers of grime and even rubber coatings, but we’re really impressed with this footage of a 1000-watt P-Laser system as it strips off years of rust from old steel in just seconds. More wonderfully satisfying footage here.

Game of Thrones Anime Opening

Game of Thrones Anime Opening

Malec made a fun anime-style animated opening sequence for Game of Thrones. He even turned the show’s opening theme into a Japanese rock song. You can download the song’s instrumental version here. GAME OF GAME OF GAME OF GAME OF THRONES!

Insanely Fast R/C Plane

Insanely Fast R/C Plane

By strapping a turbine powered delta wing R/C plane to a catapult, these guys were able to fly a model aircraft at speeds up to 451 mph, making it nearly as fast as a full-size jet plane. We’re impressed that the pilot was able to control and land it.

Rocket Knife Nighttime Chaos

Rocket Knife Nighttime Chaos

David Windestal has been entertaining us for a while with his rocket knife-powered destructive antics for a while. This time he and his pals pulled out all the stops, with a nighttime run with LEDs, sparklers, spray paints, and an enormous fireball… all to create modern art.

Logan & Children of Men

Logan & Children of Men

(PG-13: Language) “The end is in the beginning.” Logan and Children of Men have very similar plots. But Lessons from the Screenplay points out that both movies also have nicely set up character arcs, and a literal journey that externalizes their change of heart.

Perceptual Shift

Perceptual Shift

Artist Michael Murphy creates installations which form detailed, recognizable images when looked at head-on, but that deconstruct when viewed from other angles. This eyeball illusion was created by suspending over 1200 balls of various sizes from the ceiling.


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