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Awesome Videos

Overwatch: Honor and Glory

Overwatch: Honor and Glory

“The team needs you. Be their shield.” Overwatch‘s latest origin short film is about the Crusader, Reinhardt. Set during their last stand against the Omnics, the film sees Reinhardt mature a few minutes too late, and explains how Eichenwalde is what it is today.

Animoji Karaoke

Animoji Karaoke

With the release of the iPhone X, we were pretty sure that Animoji were just going to be a dumb gimmick. However, videos of creative uses for the silly avatars are starting to prove us wrong, like this amazing version of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Head to YouTube for much more.


It’s Always Abridged in Philadelphia

It’s Always Abridged in Philadelphia

(PG-13) You really need to watch every episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for maximum effect, but for fans of the show, you’ll want to check out Sh*tty Film Productions’ compilation reel, which features 1 to 2 second snippets of every episode of the show so far.

Colin Furze vs. Washing Machine

Colin Furze vs. Washing Machine

Colin Furze celebrated Guy Fawkes Night by attacking a washing machine with fireworks. He kept fixing the battered appliance, only to subject it to increasingly stronger pyrotechnics. Remember, remember, this poor machine dismembered.

Making Candy Corn from Scratch

Making Candy Corn from Scratch

For its Halloween episode, How to Make Everything tried to make candy corn from scratch. He used corn, sugarcane, natural plant dye, and – we kid you not – a large bone that he found in the wild. In terms of success, this is on par with Will taking Bob’s advice.

Could We Cure Aging?

Could We Cure Aging?

Kurzgesagt follows up their earlier clip about the moral and ethical dilemmas of longer life with a video about scientific developments which could extend our lives – or the quality of our healthy years – much sooner than you might think.

Retro Tech: The Panapic

Retro Tech: The Panapic

Techmoan looks at another strange and wonderful bit of retro technology. This time, he unboxes a 40-year-old gadget from Japan that does something we’ve never seen before. We won’t spoil the surprise, and will let you discover it for yourself.


1996 Accord Commercial

1996 Accord Commercial

“This… This is not a car. This is you. It’s a lifestyle.” Filmmaker Max Lanman decided to help his girlfriend out by creating a commercial for her old 1996 Honda Accord EX. We’re pretty sure it worked. The car has bids over $20,000, despite a book value of less than $500.

Metal Summer of ’69

Metal Summer of ’69

Musician Leo Moracchioli simultaneously goes back to the ’80s and the ’60s as applies his trademark metal edge to Bryan Adams’ classic remembrance of youth. What was the best year of your life?

The Allure of Horror VHS Covers

The Allure of Horror VHS Covers

(PG-13, Gore) Streaming video is killing movie posters and covers. But Entertain the Elk argues that that shouldn’t be the case. He uses arresting VHS covers of horror movies to point out the ways that art and captions can convince viewers to give a film a shot.

Simulating Molecules with Magnets

Simulating Molecules with Magnets

Science channel Cody’s Lab shows us how the interactions between magnets are similar to the way that molecules work, with the most fascinating bit being the glass and aluminum rig he built to simulate the way molecules work in a gaseous state.



Ari Weinkle presents a fantastically strange and wonderful computer animated short in which human figures are made of digital noodles. The director says they represent the transformation of stress and anxiety into creative catharsis, but all we know is we’re hungry for spaghetti now.


Lamont Landers x Amy Winehouse

Lamont Landers x Amy Winehouse

Musician Lamont Landers turns in yet another amazing cover, this time taking on the Amy Winehouse hit You Know I’m No Good. Seriously, this guy should be on top of the charts already with a voice like that.

Stone Cutting Machine

Stone Cutting Machine

Footage of an amazing machine in a quarry in Malta, which makes quick work of cutting slabs of stone using a pair of deadly looking saw blades which slice through the hard material like a hot knife through butter. The guy walking alongside better watch his step.

Which Way Is Down?

Which Way Is Down?

Vsauce host Michael Stevens digs deep into the ever-changing concept of the direction “down,” what causes things to fall, and digs into how masses really, really want to pull towards each other in our universe, thanks to gravitational forces.

Testing (and Tricking) FaceID

Testing (and Tricking) FaceID

Apple’s iPhone X has started to arrive, and one of the big questions is how well FaceID works, and how easy it is to fool it. The Wall Street Journal recently put the phone to the test and shared their results. TL;DW? Don’t buy one if you have an identical twin.

Antoine Debarge: Dolly.Zero

Antoine Debarge: Dolly.Zero

A beautiful couple drive to a secluded house, following an instruction manual to the letter. Director and animator Ugo Bienvenu lends his slick retro comic book style to the music video for Dolly.Zero, an electronic ballad by Antoine Debarge.

LEGO Train City

LEGO Train City

BananenBuurman pays a visit to an incredible LEGO city, populated with cars, buildings, boats, minifigs, an underwater world, and multiple operational trains. Kudos to Nardy Nafzger and Peter Goes for putting together this epic build.

Robot Convention Highlight Reel

Robot Convention Highlight Reel

Does machine automation give you a thrill? Then tune in now for 10 minutes of robot porn, recorded by HD1080ide at Hannover Messe 2017, where robots poured beer, wielded lightsabers, lifted cars, played air hockey, and secretly conspired to take over the world.

1945 “Dashcam” Footage

1945 “Dashcam” Footage

These days, millions of cars are equipped with dashcams to record incidents on the road. But check out this black and white film footage from a camera mounted first on the front, then on the rear of a car as it drives through Manhattan more than 70 years ago.

Anyone Can Speed Read

Anyone Can Speed Read

Typically, humans read at about 300 words per minute, but the guys at Quirkology show us how removing distractions and focusing on each word individually can nearly double that speed for most of us. Forget audiobooks – we want them delivered in this method.

Forging Blade’s Sword

Forging Blade’s Sword

This replica of Blade’s sword proved to be one of Man at Arms: Reforged‘s toughest builds yet. It was their first time to make a sword blade entirely out of titanium, which isn’t as hard as steel but resists grinding like the vampire hunter resists sunlight.

Kill The Lights

Kill The Lights

Photographer Darren “Darius Twin” Pearson created this eye-catching video which uses long-exposures and Night-Writer light paintings to bring skeletons to life as they dance to the jazzy track Tarova by Snarky Puppy (not to be confused with Skinny Puppy.)


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