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Awesome Art & Design

A-Z of Awesomeness

A-Z of Awesomeness

Neill Cameron’s A-Z of Awesomeness isn’t false advertising: it’s a purely awesome adventure in alliteration, with a new geeky drawing every day for each letter of the alphabet.

First Cylon War Print

First Cylon War Print

Hung as a painting in Admiral Adama’s quarters, First Cylon War was painted by BSG assistant art director Ken Rabehl and mixes medieval elements with a massive robotic onslaught.


Monster by Mail

Monster by Mail

Similar to RobotsAndMonster.org, Len Peralta of Monster by Mail will draw you a customized monster; supply the name and he’ll send you a 4×6 sketch along with making-of video.

DIY Contemporary Art

DIY Contemporary Art

Don’t let Damien Hirst and BANKSY have all the fun–IARTISTLONDON is selling DIY kits that let you recreate over-hyped, uber-pricey contemporary art pieces on the cheap.

Video Game Pixel Poster

Video Game Pixel Poster

Quite possibly the coolest gamer poster ever, Edge magazine subscribers will get this video game poster; we see everything from Pac-Man and Katamari to Street Fighter and Doom.

Russian Doll Cellphones

Russian Doll Cellphones

Oh, how far we’ve come: Kyle Bean’s Mobile Evolution is a 21st century take on Russian Matryoshka nesting dolls, progressing from the classic brick phone to today’s iPhone.

It Never Stops

It Never Stops

We feel very late 1990s posting about an animated gif, but It Never Stops is like every Rube Goldberg machine combined into a pixelated contraption of colossal proportions.


Wikipedia: The Book

Wikipedia: The Book

It’s already outdated, but Rob Matthews’ Wikipedia Book is a 5,000 page tome that includes Wikipedia’s 2,500+ featured articles; we’re gonna bet that editing is disabled on this one.

Million Dollar Poster

Million Dollar Poster

The poster itself doesn’t cost a million bucks, but is a print of the same site that made its 21-year old creator, Alex Tew very rich in 2005 and subsequently made all of us feel very dumb.

Draw Yourself as a Teen

Draw Yourself as a Teen

What started out as a simple drawing exercise for LiveJournal blogger davario has snowballed into over 500 submissions; the mission: Draw Yourself as a Teenager, pimples and all.

Spork Venn Diagram

Spork Venn Diagram

Forget about quantum physics and string theory: this Grand Unification of Cutlery diagram shows that the Spork is only one piece of a much larger puzzle, with Knorks, Spifes and Splayds.

Modern Fossils

Modern Fossils

As if dug up by a future archaeologist, Christopher Locke’s Modern Fossils casts game controllers, floppies and other gadgets in concrete; he even gives them a species name in Latin.


Art: Dude-A-Day

Art: Dude-A-Day

We’ve always been a fan of art-a-day blogs, but Andy Helm’s Dude-A-Day really appeals to us with caricatures of famous fictional male characters from movies, TV and comics.

Clock Clock

Clock Clock

It makes our heads hurt thinking about it, but the video helps explain how Clock Clock works; it’s basically an array of analog clocks whose hands combine to show digital time.

Video: Drawing Robot

Video: Drawing Robot

Made with Lego Mindstorms NXT and hung from three pulleys, Nils Volker’s Drawing Robot is more artistic than technical: it tracks visitor’s eye movements to create dot paintings.

MWM “Thus Far” 2009

MWM “Thus Far” 2009

We’re a big fan of Matt W. Moore’s geometric art, but we’re even bigger fans now with his “Thus Far” lecture at OFFF: it shows his early days as a graffiti/mural artist up to his B/W series.


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