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Awesome Learning

Caterpillar Speed Trick

Caterpillar Speed Trick

On his trip to the Amazon Rainforest, Destin of Smarter Every Day found a group of caterpillars that seem to have figured a way for all of them to move faster. How? By acting as each other’s conveyor belt. Unedited video here.

Making a Car Rollover Stunt

Making a Car Rollover Stunt

Jason Lewis films the Performance Picture Vehicles crew as they setup and perform a car roll over stunt for an unnamed film. Skip to 8:50 for the stunt. The amount of work and risk they put in for a few seconds of video is amazing.


Uncontacted Tribes

Uncontacted Tribes

Footage of one of the last known uncontacted tribes on the planet in the Brazilian forest. A zoom lens provides a glimpse without disturbing them, while we learn about the threat the “civilized” world poses to them.

The Placebo Paradox

The Placebo Paradox

Placebos and the placebo effect are some of the most intriguing puzzles of humanity. Evolutionary psychologist Nicholas Humphrey talks about a possible reason for why placebos even work at all.

50 Science Misconceptions

50 Science Misconceptions

The latest educational clip from Mental Floss debunks dozens of things we always thought were true. We were most disappointed to find out that the brontosaurus didn’t actually exist. Why? No brontosaurus burgers.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

PBS Off Book talked to a variety of experts about one of mankind’s most exciting and frightening endeavors: developing artificial intelligence. Watch the video to find out some of its challenges, rewards and risks.

Same Animal, Different Sound

Same Animal, Different Sound

Do you know which animal makes a “Wang wang” sound? Find out in this video by Vimeo user properniceinnit. He asked people of different nationalities to demonstrate how animals sound in their language.


Cockpit Chronicles

Cockpit Chronicles

Cockpit Chronicles is an ongoing blog and video series by American Airlines co-pilot Kent Wien. The series lets us in on the activities and routines of flight crew. The linked video is about preparing meals for the crew.

Can Blind People Draw?

Can Blind People Draw?

Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, has shown us how he cooks and what he sees; here, he responds to the popular request to draw various objects based on how he thinks they look. (Thanks Ben!)

41 Historic Deaths

41 Historic Deaths

We’ve seen a list of people who cheated death. Now here’s a list of people who died in unexpected ways. Some of them are dumb ways to go, but mostly these are just freak accidents. And also infections.

Why are Things Creepy?

Why are Things Creepy?

Michael from Vsauce explores humankind’s fearful reaction to things that aren’t actually dangerous. Vagueness, ambiguity and things that are just slightly off are key contributors. We’re going to go wash out our eyeballs now.

This is 200 Calories

This is 200 Calories

200 Calorie portions of foods. ASAPScience made a crucial mistake though. The definition they gave in the video is for the calorie, which is 1/1,000th of a Calorie – note the capital ‘C’. 200 Calories is equal to 200,000 calories.


True Facts About Mantis Shrimp

True Facts About Mantis Shrimp

The most badass animal to grace ZeFrank’s True Facts series, the mantis shrimp has sexnocular – hexnocular? – vision, a flamboyant attire and a punch so hard and fast it can break an aquarium’s glass.

Cooking with Dog

Cooking with Dog

A popular Japanese cooking show on YouTube, Cooking with Dog stars an anonymous chef and a dog named Francis. Each episode Francis sits beside the chef and narrates in English. Naturally. It’s confusing and educational.

Thug Notes: To Kill a Mockingbird

Thug Notes: To Kill a Mockingbird

(NSFW: Language) “Classic Literature. Original Gangster.” The online study guide Thug Notes is just like CliffsNotes, except its host Sparky Sweets drops knowledge about literary works using African-American street slang.



CameraRocket collects information about cameras from all over the Web and presents them in a clean and easy to understand format. You can look at the specs, reviews and more about a camera or even compare two cameras.

The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

If you believe Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth theory, most narratives follow a similar “Hero’s Journey” structure. Here, Mario, Fafa and Johnny T explain how the theory can be applied to everything from Star Wars to Happy Gilmore.

What if Superman Punched You?

What if Superman Punched You?

Vsauce imagines what it would be like if the Man of Steel introduced his fist to your face. The hilarious conclusion? If he used all his strength, Supes couldn’t actually punch you: you’d be obliterated even before his fist touched you.

Teen Speaks 20 Languages

Teen Speaks 20 Languages

17-year-old Tim Doner is a hyper-polyglot: he can speak nearly 20 languages, and is said to be the youngest person to achieve such a feat. How did he do it? Through good old hard work. And by watching TV.

Don’t Mess With My Nuts

Don’t Mess With My Nuts

A hardworking chipmunk is busy gathering nuts around the forest and stashing them in his burrow. His opportunistic kin takes the easier route. A wonderfully shot excerpt from Discovery’s North America series.

Can Humans Feel Temperature?

Can Humans Feel Temperature?

MinutePhysics answers a question we never knew was worth asking – do you really feel the temperature of other objects when you touch them? Unless you’re a physicist, the answer might surprise you.

People Who Cheated Death

People Who Cheated Death

BuzzFeed lists a handful of incidents that should have proven fatal to the people involved, but they somehow beat the extremely small odds and came out alive and kicking. Stay strong, Alexis!

Left- and Right-hand Traffic

Left- and Right-hand Traffic

Minute Earth talks about the possible reasons behind bidirectional traffic conventions, reminding us that we live by many conventions dictated by ideas that are long obsolete. If we can even remember them.


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