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Awesome Learning

The Journey of a Beef Cow

The Journey of a Beef Cow

(Gore) Having a great day so far? Good. Meet Craig. He’s about to have the opposite fate. Sam O’Nella Academy tries its best to put the fun in “slaughterhouse” as he explains how American cattle are raised and then “processed.” Sorry, Craig.

The Challenge of Fresh Food

The Challenge of Fresh Food

“Buy less more often.” Like clean water, fresh produce is a luxury that most of us take for granted. How to Make Everything spoke with a farmer, a distributor and a co-op store in Minnesota to find out how they cope with changing seasons and their products’ volatility.


Good Vibrations: A Pop Masterpiece

Good Vibrations: A Pop Masterpiece

The Beach Boys’ Good Vibrations was an outright hit and is an auto-include in best of lists. But Polyphonic believes that the song’s impact has flown over the public’s collective head. He sets out to correct that with this excellent deconstruction.

DIY Pocket Oscilloscope

DIY Pocket Oscilloscope

Keystone Science shows us how to build a nifty bit of old school tech – an analog oscilloscope, made using the tiny CRT viewfinder from an old camcorder. If you’d rather build something bigger, he’s got you covered too.

How IMAX Film Projectors Work

How IMAX Film Projectors Work

Watching movies in a true IMAX theater can be an overwhelmingly amazing experience. Projectionist John Ruddock shows us that preparing the expensive equipment can also be intense. There’s a surprising amount of manual setup involved in playing a 70mm IMAX film.

Kurzgesagt: Life & Size Pt. 1

Kurzgesagt: Life & Size Pt. 1

Kurzgesagt kicks off a multi-part lesson that explains how an organism’s size drastically affects its evolution. For instance, droplets of water could be lethal to insects. So some of them evolved to repel even tiny particles of water.

Todd McFarlane: Business Serving Art

Todd McFarlane: Business Serving Art

Todd McFarlane reinvented Spider-Man, created Spawn, and helped revolutionize the comics industry by co-founding Image Comics. Now he has a toy empire. He sat down with Complex to share tons of practical tips for success based on his passion and experience.


How to Get Chicks

How to Get Chicks

(PG-13: Language) Mac Lethal’s Rap Tutorials isn’t what it sounds like – it’s a life advice series, much in the vein of Casually Explained. For this episode, we learn the answer to a much-asked question. TL;DW? Simply transform yourself into Zangief.

How to Build a Human

How to Build a Human

(PG-13: Language) Given the complexities of biology, chemistry, and evolution, it’s pretty amazing that human beings exist at all. YouTuber and backyard philosopher exurb1a does his best to explain just what it takes for us to be us.

Captain D’s Guide to Trick Shots

Captain D’s Guide to Trick Shots

There are millions of trick shot videos on YouTube (and we’ve featured our share of them.) Now, Captain Disillusion is here to burst our bubble – and all of those basketballs, footballs, tennis balls, and golf balls, as he shows us some of the tricks of the trade.

Learning is Quicker than You Think

Learning is Quicker than You Think

Mike Boyd shares a great realization that he had as a self-learner. Many times, the act of practicing or studying itself doesn’t take up a lot of time. But if you have to go out of your daily routine to pick up a skill, that’s when it becomes time-consuming.

How SLA 3D Printers Work

How SLA 3D Printers Work

Stereolithography or SLA 3D printers are great for making small, smooth and highly detailed objects. Bill the Engineer Guy breaks down the components of an SLA DLP 3D printer to explain how it works in his typically engaging and accessible approach.


This Much Will Kill You 2

This Much Will Kill You 2

If you’re about to get 7,143 abdominal X-rays, better change your plans. That’s just one of the many lethal doses that Asapscience mentions in its video, which also includes stealthy killers like nutmeg and toothpaste.

Adam Ruins Hospitals

Adam Ruins Hospitals

Adam Ruins Everything explains why healthcare is expensive in the US and practically anywhere else that has medical insurance. Hospitals jacked up their prices so that insurance companies get “discounts”, i.e. the original prices. Check out the show’s sources here.

A History of MS Paint

A History of MS Paint

MS Paint is dead, long live MS Paint! With the arrival of Paint 3D, Microsoft will no longer update or support its predecessor. Lazy Game Reviews traces the origins and evolution of the beloved application, which started as a clone of a Mac program.

The Philosophy of Fullmetal Alchemist

The Philosophy of Fullmetal Alchemist

(SPOILERS) Wisecrack points out how the excellent Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood urges us not to stubbornly subscribe to an ideology, rational or otherwise, because doing so would dehumanize us by discouraging us from questioning and thinking for ourselves.

Optimistic Nihilism

Optimistic Nihilism

Kurzgesagt turns self-referential in its latest clip, exploring their own tendency to create videos about bad things that may someday befall our universe, but still managing to have a positive outlook on humanity.

The Carbon Footprint of One Sandwich

The Carbon Footprint of One Sandwich

We all know that factories, cars, trucks, and other vehicles can result in significant carbon emissions. But what’s the environmental impact of making a single BLT sandwich? NPR’s SkunkBear has the answer to the question no one was asking, but has a fascinating answer.

Japan’s Bonkers Anti-Idol Groups

Japan’s Bonkers Anti-Idol Groups

This Exists talks about the rise of Japanese anti-idol groups such as Babymetal. While still manufactured and pigeonholed, these groups stray from the sweet and sterile facade of traditional pop idols by adding anything risqué and seeing if it sticks: metal, blood, Trump…

What Is The Shape of Space?

What Is The Shape of Space?

While you might think the universe is just an endless expanse, it actually has a shape that holds it together. MinutePhysics teamed up with PhD Comics to explore this puzzling astrophysical question and try to suss out some answers for us.

Mining for Salt

Mining for Salt

How to Make Everything visited Redmond Inc.’s salt mine in Central Utah to find out how these massive salt deposits were formed, how easy it is to chip off salt, and more. Somehow they ended up shooting bowling balls off a cannon.

Deal: Web Design Training Bundle

Deal: Web Design Training Bundle

This series of in-depth courses will fill your brain with front-end web design knowledge. You’ll gain skills in HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Flash, and Dreamweaver. You’ll build your resume, and earn CPD certification hours too. Save 97% in The Awesomer Shop.

Learning to 3D Print

Learning to 3D Print

Mike Boyd is an engineer, but he swears he’s never used a 3D printer until he made this video. It’s heartening to see that you can go from knowing nothing about the technology to making model rockets in just a few hours.


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