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Awesome How To

DIY Color Igloo

DIY Color Igloo

Here’s a fun family project if you live somewhere the temperature stays below freezing for days on end. The ABC Allred Family shows us how easy it is to build your own backyard igloo from blocks of ice and a dash of food coloring for extra flair. You can make the ice bricks in aluminum foil trays and then cement them together with a mixture of snow and cold water.

How to Save a Wet Book

How to Save a Wet Book

Syracuse University Libraries’ Preservation Department shows us how to save a water-logged book and restore it back to its original condition. All you need is some paper towels, a fan, and some weights. You should also store it in the freezer if you can’t work on it right away.

How to Do Japanese Square Lashing

How to Do Japanese Square Lashing

When you’re out in the woods and need to assemble a sturdy shelter, knowing how to connect sticks in a cross shape can be really useful. Mark the Braider shows off one of the more clean and elegant ways of joining perpendicular poles, using a Japanese square lashing technique.

Knots You Need to Know

Knots You Need to Know

Never got your Pioneering merit badge as a Boy Scout? No worries. InnerBark Outdoors shows us seven knots that are easy to learn but are very useful. Most of these knots can come in handy camping, boating, and even at home.

How to Talkbox

How to Talkbox

“You make the lyrics with your mouth. But you cannot use your vocal cords.” Ever wondered how musicians like Daft Punk make their voices sound like robots? Lorenz Rhode provides a lyrical instruction sheet for creating the electro-funk sounds of talkbox vocals. We think every “how-to” video should have a song.

Plastic Cutlery Praying Mantis

Plastic Cutlery Praying Mantis

Bobby Duke Arts takes a page out of Toy Story 4 and digs his latest art project out of the trash. In this clip, he shows us how he melted down and manipulated pieces of plastic cutlery and turned them into a dragonfly and a praying mantis. He calls the video a tutorial, but you’re gonna need some serious skills to follow along.

Totally Tubular Paper Airplane

Totally Tubular Paper Airplane

Most paper airplanes have straight-edged wings that stick out from their center. But this peculiar paper flyer looks more like the core of a toilet paper roll than something that can get airborne. WIRED and paper airplane expert John Collins show us how to make one of these surprisingly aerodynamic paper planes.

Building a Glass Deck

Building a Glass Deck

HomeMadeModern wanted to find a cool use for glass blocks, so he set about making an outdoor LED-lit glass deck. It’s definitely not a project for everyone – it takes a lot of expertise and work – and not everyone has a freakin’ mountain, but the setup is pretty sweet.

Making a Secret Room

Making a Secret Room

I Like to Make Stuff shares this home renovation project that he worked on with a friend. They turned one long room into two rooms, with the second one hidden behind a wardrobe. It even has a secret switch and a smart lock.

Making a Cereal Bowl from Cereal

Making a Cereal Bowl from Cereal

After making bowls out of a variety of materials, Peter Brown’s viewers have been asking him to make a cereal bowl made of cereal. He finally gave in to their requests. The process is simple, but it takes a lot of time and skill. The end result is beautiful, but it’s questionable if it’s food-safe.

How to Make Recycled Paper

How to Make Recycled Paper

Shmoxd shows us how to make recycled paper using readily available materials. He then adds texture and color to the new paper by adding different bits like plants, food and even shredded electronics. But will it blend?

DIY Folding Desk PC

DIY Folding Desk PC

PCs housed inside desks are nothing new, but they are interesting at best, and tacky at worst. But DIY Perks shows us that it’s possible to make one that’s tasteful and space-saving, while still showing off the computer’s components.

DIY Iron Man Nano Gauntlet

DIY Iron Man Nano Gauntlet

Prop maker David Guyton made a replica of Iron Man’s Nano Gauntlet from Avengers: Endgame. Rather than cheap materials, he built it out of steel, brass, and glass. But he will upload a template on his website so you can make it out of different materials if you want.

DIY Magnetic Web Shooters

DIY Magnetic Web Shooters

HeroTech’s DIY take on Spider-Man’s web shooters. Instead of being sticky, the thread from each shooter has a magnet attached at the end. They’re great for taking down evil sheet music holders. Seriously though we love how clean they look. Build video here.

How to Install a Car Kill Switch

How to Install a Car Kill Switch

YouTube’s premiere mechanic ChrisFix shows us how to make a hidden kill switch for your vehicle. When switched on, it interrupts the flow of electricity to the vehicle’s fuel pump relay, preventing it from starting, even with a key. It takes a bit of fiddling, but it costs only $10 in parts.

Making Thanos’ Sword

Making Thanos’ Sword

Odin Makes built a replica of Thanos’ sick double-bladed sword from Avengers: Endgame out of his usual craft and found materials. He used PVC pipes, an old fiberglass rod and of course craft foam to make a lightweight 7ft sword.

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