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Awesome Animation

The Simpsons x John K.

The Simpsons x John K.

The Simpsons had another guest animator for its couch gag, John Kricfalusi, better known as the creator of Ren & Stimpy, proving that John K. just gets weirder with age.

Daffy Duck: the Wizard

Daffy Duck: the Wizard

Marvel at the powerful spellth and legendary ekthploith of the Wizard. Best Merrie Melodie ever made. The only way this would be better is if the young Ozzy Osbourne sung the song.


Puss in Boots Old Spice Spoof

Puss in Boots Old Spice Spoof

DreamWorks and Antonio Banderas manage to squeeze out some humor out of a tired old meme – and make your cat look stupid in the process – to promote the animated movie Puss in Boots.

A Slice of Life

A Slice of Life

Terry Border’s surreal love story convinced us that preparing a sandwich is a Freudian act. We’re put off by the deus ex machina that moves the story to its end, but we could be overthinking it.



It’s not quite as awe-inspiring as a witnessing the real deal, but Desrumaux Celine still did a good job of capturing the buzz and excitement before a rocket launch. Plus points for the POV bits.

Danger Planet

Danger Planet

An animated short made by students of Southern Adventist University in Tennessee, led by Justin Burks. Danger Planet is as charming and perfect as the adventures we (day)dreamed of as kids.

Super Mario Ceremony

Super Mario Ceremony

Mario turns 30 this year! Here’s a medley of the themes and music from his various games – from Donkey Kong to Super Mario Galaxy – which are every bit as memorable as the games themselves.


Capt. America: Alternative Ending

Capt. America: Alternative Ending

After proposing a more probable conclusion to Harry Potter, HiSHE turns its gaze to The First Avenger and the gaping plot hole that is its ending. We’re not sure what the last joke is about though.

Sheeped Away

Sheeped Away

Junaid Chundrigar’s tribute to old American cartoons. The lesson? Instead of getting married, get some sheep and take care of them. They’ll take you to places beyond your wildest acid trip. Or not.

Tape Generations

Tape Generations

Rolls of adhesive tape act as seeds, and the tape makes that familiar peeling sound as they grow. Dutch artist Johan Rijpma spent a total of 6 months to make this stop motion video.

Resistance 3: Follow Capelli

Resistance 3: Follow Capelli

Spov Design’s stylish clip for the just-released Resistance 3 was inspired by the game’s Saul Bass-inspired, Olly Moss-designed cover art and features a gritty, minimal palette. (Thanks, Sion!)

Umlala: My PDF Files

Umlala: My PDF Files

The funny thing about this video is that we never really do learn how to convert our PDFs to JPGs, but at least we learn what Keyboard Cat would look like as a robot. (Thanks, Gabriella!)


Time-Lapse Inception

Time-Lapse Inception

Okay, it only goes two levels deep, but we still love the stop-motion-within-a-time-lapse that Joe Clarke shot of animator Barry Purves in which puppet and master operate on different time scales.

Many Faces

Many Faces

Who is the real you? Are you the same person all the time? What does it mean to be “real” or “genuine”? Nir Philosof reflects on these and other questions about identity and denial in his short film.



TomSka fills our brains with more randomness in the latest animation from his awesomely insane asdfmovie series. While you’re at it, catch up on episodes 1, 2, and 3. I’M GONNA DO AN INTERNET!

Freddie Mercury Google Doodle

Freddie Mercury Google Doodle

Today would have been the 65th birthday of Queen frontman and vocal genius Freddie Mercury. Google pays tribute to his artistry and showmanship with this awesome animated Google Doodle tribute.

Dub of the North Star

Dub of the North Star

(NSFW: Language) Cult classic Fist of the North Star was so violent it was silly. This parody dub a la Kung Pow by YouTuber WeeklyTubeShow2 is just plain silly. Dumb humor at its finest.

Harry Potter: Alternative Ending

Harry Potter: Alternative Ending

The folks at HiSHE finally get around to Harry’s epic adventure. It’s not so much about coming up with a hilarious ending than exposing the absurdities and inconsistencies in the series.

Chump and Clump

Chump and Clump

While it might start out like any other computer animated cartoon, Chump and Clump quickly descends into a drug and booze induced haze. Come for the animation, stay for the trip.



A surprisingly not-so-morbid tale, considering its protagonist is Death, who is portrayed as a working mom who barely has any time for her child. Entertaining, though a bit lacking in explanation.



(NSFW: Language) A Zack Snyderesque motion comic featuring cats vs. dogs but with a very human issue. Could use a more imaginative and less didactic script, but still worth watching.

The Schwarzenegger Trilogy

The Schwarzenegger Trilogy

Brainbow pays homage to the Governator with three hand drawn animated shorts – a montage of explosions, a scene from Terminator 2 and a song that uses Ahnold’s lines from his movies.

Second Hand

Second Hand

A tale of two extremes, embodied by the title, presented in a unique animated style and filled with memorable scenes. Clear in its message yet not overwhelming or too critical.


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