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Awesome Funny Stuff

Another Epic Split

Another Epic Split

While acrobat Jon Call (aka Jujumufu) didn’t do his split between two moving trucks like JCVD did, he did amp up the danger by holding a 100 pound barbell over his head while doing his.

You Left Your Door Open

You Left Your Door Open

A runaway wheel comes rolling through a parking lot with its mind set on a single mission – to hone in on a very specific car with an open door and close it for the driver. We’re suspicious of the veracity of the clip, but it’s still amusing.


The Stunt Lads Ep. 2

The Stunt Lads Ep. 2

(PG-13 Language) The Stunt Lads is a hilarious virtual reality show set in Grand Theft Auto V. It’s about three poor stuntmen risking their lives so they can become famous and risk their lives some more. First episode here. Theme song here.

The Kindest Man in Westeros

The Kindest Man in Westeros

(Spoilers, PG-13) Through the use of clever editing, and some adult contemporary music, YouTuber M&M transformed Game of Thrones’ sadistic Ramsay Bolton into a well-mannered gentleman without a mean bone in his body.

Qantas Safety Dude

Qantas Safety Dude

For no particular reason, Xavier Michelides decided to face swap all of the flight crew in a Qantas flight safety video with his own mug. In the unlikely event that your female flight attendant has a beard, look for the nearest exit.

Guilty Dog 5

Guilty Dog 5

YouTuber Melissa Lee is pretty sure that her dog Matzo knocked their trash can over, so she decided to interrogate him on camera. Matzo wisely kept his mouth shut, then made his escape like a he was a cartoon character.

Stepped on a Pop Tart…

Stepped on a Pop Tart…

…blew out his flip-flop. Isn’t that the way Margaritaville goes? Well, either way, that’s what happened to this NAO humanoid robot when it took a wrong step, further proving that we have a long way to go before Terminator could happen.


Is Star Wars Nerdier than Star Trek?

Is Star Wars Nerdier than Star Trek?

Capt. Picard and the NCC-1701-D fight Darth Vader and the Death Star in a battle to determine who’s dorkier. Is it the jargon-spewing slumber party or the cult of rave toys? All we know is we wish there was a Star Riker show.

LWT: John Oliver vs. Jack Warner

LWT: John Oliver vs. Jack Warner

(PG-13 Language) Former FIFA VP Jack Warner got annoyed that Last Week Tonight made fun of his ad. He made his feelings known in yet another TV ad, this time with a (weak) personal insult on John Oliver. And now we have this.

Conan Plays Halo 5: Guardians

Conan Plays Halo 5: Guardians

“Gentlemen, let the murder begin.” Team Coco played the multiplayer of Halo 5: Guardians against some of the stars of Silicon Valley. Sadly, Gilfoyle wasn’t one of them. Someone get Andy Richter his own show!

Her First Aerobatic Flight

Her First Aerobatic Flight

A stunt pilot takes his 4-year-old daughter Léa along for her first ever aerobatic flight. We love how her mood goes from non-plussed on take-off to pure elation as the plane flips and rolls, and at no point does she seem afraid at all.

Cat: Driving Range

Cat: Driving Range

For their latest #BuiltForIt trial, the guys from Caterpillar arranged to turn several of their huge industrial machines into a golf course on wheels, then turned loose two LPGA professionals to try and hit the green. BTS footage here.


Hot Sauce Drink Prank

Hot Sauce Drink Prank

(PG-13 Language) A heartless man attached a packet of hot sauce to the straw in his friend’s drink. And like Ramsay Bolton toying with Reek, he burns his friend twice by offering false hope.

Ackbar’s Eleven

Ackbar’s Eleven

“What I’m about to propose to you is both highly lucrative and highly dangerous.” George Clooney is Danny Ackbar in Synaptic Studios’ mash up of the planning scenes in Ocean’s Eleven and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Skip to 1:30.

A Critique of Dinosaur Toys

A Critique of Dinosaur Toys

University of Columbia professor Paul Olsen hilariously overanalyzes several children’s dinosaur toys, pointing out the numerous mistakes in their anatomies and sounds. He came up with the best dinosaur name in the process.

Japanese Guy Orders Pizza

Japanese Guy Orders Pizza

“Do you want delivery? Uuuuh… Pizza?” A couple of years ago while he was in Los Angeles, Japanese comedian Ken Sekine aka Megwin tested his English-speaking skills by calling Dominos to order pizza.

Nice Catch, David

Nice Catch, David

During a recent festival, a member of the crowd tossed a beer towards the lead singer of the Dutch rock band John Coffey. But instead of ending up with the sticky brew all over, he nailed the catch, then had a drink. (Thanks Willem!)

The Real Housewives of Westeros

The Real Housewives of Westeros

(PG-13) “I see we’re going through a bitch phase.” Dirty Cues imagines what would happen if the ladies of Game of Thrones starred in Real Housewives. Dany’s just as annoying here as she is on the actual show.

Racing for Rupees

Racing for Rupees

The Legend of Zelda‘s hero Link needs a new shield, but the one he wants is too darn expensive. So the Hero of Time goes off on a money-hunting spree. YouTuber Callegos-Y’s 3D animated short is as funny as it is polished.

Seth Sings Cyndioke

Seth Sings Cyndioke

When Seth MacFarlane and Cyndi Lauper were both on The Graham Norton Show, the host put Seth on the spot to perform some of Cyndi’s hits in the voices of his Family Guy characters… and his true colors came shining through.

Aerial Wedding Photography

Aerial Wedding Photography

Drones seem to be turning up everywhere these days, so it was only a matter of time before the flying motorized giant insects would make their way to wedding photo shoots. Sit back, relax and enjoy this happy couple on their big day.

Man vs. Pigeon

Man vs. Pigeon

Redditor axw820 shares how he reacted while driving away a pigeon from his house. At least he got karma and money out of it, unlike when we and four other grown men tried to fend off a scabby rat with a feather duster and shrieks.



A woman patiently assists an elderly mother, who insists on sending a text message to her child even though she barely knows how to use a mobile phone. Stellar acting brings the humor and drama in this simple short film. Also on iTunes.


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