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Awesome Ray Harryhausen

Ray Harryhausen’s Stop-Motion + Live Action Movie Magic

Ray Harryhausen’s Stop-Motion + Live Action Movie Magic

The late Ray Harryhausen is beloved for his groundbreaking visual effects work in movies like Jason and the Argonauts. The Royal Ocean Film Society delves into Harryhausen’s mastery of stop-motion animation and how he combined it with live-action film footage to bring humans and creatures together on screen.

Smoothing Out Jason and the Argonauts

Smoothing Out Jason and the Argonauts

The 1963 classic Jason and the Argonauts is known for its masterful use of stop-motion by the great Ray Harryhausen. CaptRobau was curious to know what the animation would look like at a higher frame rate, so he used motion interpolation software to smooth out the action. He did something similar to the original King Kong.

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