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Awesome Overkill

Building The Compensator Mechanical Keyboard

Building The Compensator Mechanical Keyboard

Watch mechanical keyboard enthusiast Lightning build VK.Works’ The Compensator. It’s a hilarious monstrosity that takes the 40% layout and adds the arrow keys, the six specialized keys, the numpad, and eight macro keys. On both sides. See the finished build at 2:49:20 and join VK.Works’ Discord channel to learn more.

An Overly-Complicated 3D Rendering Technique

An Overly-Complicated 3D Rendering Technique

Anyone who has worked with 3D graphics software knows about composing scenes with virtual cameras. Sirrandalot used Blender’s Cycles path-tracing engine to model a 3D camera body, simulate the optical properties of a film camera, then render scenes through its virtual lens. Check out the final not-photos on Imgur. (Thanks, Orion!)

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