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Awesome Kurzgesagt

Smoking is (Not) Awesome

Smoking is (Not) Awesome

“In a nutshell, every single one of your organs is highly stressed and suffers some kind of permanent damage.” Kurzgesagt lays out the good, the bad, and the ugly about smoking. Watch the educational channel’s usual adorable creatures turn into all sorts of monsters and die horrible deaths, all thanks to one of the most dangerous legal substances.

The Infinite Universe Paradox

The Infinite Universe Paradox

Astrophysicists estimate that our universe came into existence roughly 14 billion years ago, and it’s been expanding ever since. Kurzgesagt ponders the question whether the universe is truly infinite if it keeps growing, or if it has an edge somewhere that we just can’t see.


The Paradox of Time

The Paradox of Time

We always thought about time in very linear terms. However, scientists have theorized that the past, present, and future simultaneously exist. Kurzgesagt explores the theory that the entire history of the universe has already happened, and we’re just experiencing our tiny sliver of it. Warning: your brain might hurt after watching this.

Kurzgesagt’s Size Comparison Video

Kurzgesagt’s Size Comparison Video

We’ve featured many size comparison videos from channels like MetaBallStudios and RED SIDE. Kursgezagt wanted to make a different kind of comparison video, examining opposingly small and large things relative to the size of an average human, from the tiniest proton to the vastness of observable universe.

How Aliens Could Win an Interstellar War

How Aliens Could Win an Interstellar War

We still don’t know if there’s extraterrestrial life out there, but if there is, there’s a chance that they won’t like us Earthlings and will want to get rid of us. Kurzgesagt takes the aliens’ side in this theoretical conflict and offers strategies to help them wipe out humanity forever. Though they assume our enemies are more technologically advanced than us.

Was There Life at the Start of the Universe?

Was There Life at the Start of the Universe?

Scientists estimate that life began on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago. But it’s quite plausible that life existed before this, shortly after the Big Bang created the universe. Kurzgesagt explains why this might have been possible and what sort of life forms might have been cooking in the universe’s primordial soup.

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

Sixty-six million years ago, everything seemed to be going just fine for the dinosaurs. But then something changed, wiping out the thriving beasts. Kurzgesagt looks at how one seemingly minor change in the skies led to the rapid extinction of most life on Earth. It’s a dramatic reminder to live each day as if it was your last.


The Dark Side of Bioengineering

The Dark Side of Bioengineering

Kurzgesagt has a long history of exploring existential threats. Like many revolutionary changes, biotechnology can be used to improve civilization or bring it to its knees. In this video, they talk about how rapid advancements could wipe us all out by engineering an unstoppable virus, then propose some things we could do to limit those risks.

Will Aliens Visit Earth Soon?

Will Aliens Visit Earth Soon?

Given the vastness of the universe, it’s almost impossible to fathom that there aren’t other life forms out there. In this video from Kurzgesagt, they explore the hypothetical idea that aliens are just a few steps behind us, and will soon catch up with technology that allows them to explore space and visit other planets.

The Slaver Ant Polyergus

The Slaver Ant Polyergus

Ants are fascinating creatures. While some may battle other colonies for supremacy, there are kinds of ants that enslave others. Kurzgesagt explains how Polyergus ants raid colonies and force their offspring to do their bidding until they die. They’ve become so reliant on their slaves that they can no longer care for themselves.

Kurzgesagt, But Out of Context

Kurzgesagt, But Out of Context

We’ve always enjoyed learning about science and nature from Kurzgesagt. They explain all kinds of theoretical events and technologies with an authoritative voice. SilentSushi edited together some random bits and pieces from their videos which make absolutely no sense when taken out of context. And then there’s this video.

If a Supervolcano Erupted

If a Supervolcano Erupted

What could be more terrifying than a regular volcano? A supervolcano, that’s what. Kurzgesagt explains how these massive ash, lava, and gas-spewing volcanoes form, and what sort of catastrophic consequences they might have on the Earth and its inhabitants for if the planet’s superheated insides erupted.


The Most Extreme Places in the Universe

The Most Extreme Places in the Universe

The Universe is enormous. But here on earth, there’s a seemingly endless universe inhabited by insects, bacteria, plants, microorganisms, molecules, and atoms. Kurzgesagt zooms in beneath our feet for a journey to these tiny worlds among us, using the size of our world as a frame of reference.

The Last Human

The Last Human

There’s a lot of crazy and negative stuff going on in the world these days, but is it really the end times? Kurzgesagt asks the hypothetical question of when the last human might be born by examining population growth, birth rates, and animal extinction rates. But human ingenuity, technology, and space travel are serious wildcards.

How to Change

How to Change

Let’s face it. Change is hard. Even if you have solid goals and desires, you might find it difficult to adapt your behaviors to get there. Kurzgesagt explains the physiological reasons that make it hard to change and some practical advice on how to break through when you’re stuck in a rut.

How You Move Through the Universe

How You Move Through the Universe

You might feel like you’re standing still right now, but we are always moving. But our place in the universe isn’t absolute. Instead, our location is entirely relative to other objects. Kurzgesagt explores this concept, and how each person, place, and thing has its own point of view for its position and movements.

What’s The Deal with Brain-Eating Amoeba?

What’s The Deal with Brain-Eating Amoeba?

Every now and then, you might see a story in the news about a “brain-eating amoeba” that turned up somewhere. But is this microscopic organism as terrifying as it sounds, or is it all just hyperbole? Kurzgesagt digs into the true story of the naegleria fowleri, and what it’s likely to do should it enter your body.

Could Aliens Have Lived on Earth?

Could Aliens Have Lived on Earth?

We still don’t know if there are other species out there in space, but it certainly seems possible that we’re not the only life forms in the universe. Kurzgesagt goes one step further to explore the possibility that aliens life once roamed the Earth long before the dinosaurs.

If the Moon Crashed into the Earth

If the Moon Crashed into the Earth

Roland Emmerich’s Moonfall envisions what might happen if the Moon came out of its orbit and crashed into the Earth. Kurzegesagt takes a more scientific approach, and explains what might happen if the moon gradually got closer to the Earth, and the big problems we’d experience long before the Moon ever got here.

Maybe We Shouldn’t Search for Aliens

Maybe We Shouldn’t Search for Aliens

While we’ve never found evidence of intelligent life outside of our planet, scientists hold out hope that someday we might. Kurzgesagt looks at one particularly dark theory that says other civilizations could be out there and intentionally hiding, ready to eradicate us at the first sign of contact.

How Our Immune Systems Protect Us

How Our Immune Systems Protect Us

Kurzgesagt explores the complex systems at work to help keep our 40 trillion cells alive and well, adapting and facing off countless times each day against foreign organisms teeming inside of our bodies. For a deeper dive, grab a copy of Kurzgesagt founder Phil Dettmer’s new book IMMUNE.

What Did Dinosaurs Really Look Like?

What Did Dinosaurs Really Look Like?

Thanks to movies like Jurassic Park, we have some very specific notions of what dinosaurs looked like. But as Kursgezagt explains, between missing fossils and misinterpreted skeletal reconstructions, it’s quite possible that these prehistoric animals appeared very different than we thought.

Giant Viruses That Shouldn’t Exist

Giant Viruses That Shouldn’t Exist

While we sit here staring at our screens, a war is being fought all around us. Trillions of microorganisms are battling it out for resources while viruses attack and take over. While it’s was believed that viruses aren’t alive, recent discoveries point to giant viruses that act more like living organisms. Kurzgesagt explains.


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