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Awesome Animals

Wrestling with a Grizzly Bear

Wrestling with a Grizzly Bear

We’ve seen a trained polar bear; here are two trained grizzly bears. Doug Seus and his wife Lynne train grizzlies and other animals for film and TV. They also founded Vital Ground, an organization that protects wildlife habitats.

Operation Chicken Nuggets

Operation Chicken Nuggets

YouTuber Rodd Scheinerman knew that his beagle Lucy was stealing food from their toaster oven, so he set up a camera and put some nuggets in the oven to see exactly how she does it. Good thing their house didn’t burn down.


Rabbit Stampede

Rabbit Stampede

We occasionally spot a bunny rabbit hopping around in our yards, but we’ve never witnessed something as epic as hundreds of rabbits running through the snow in unison. Yes, the snowmobile probably contributed to their sense of urgency.

Seal of Approval

Seal of Approval

Last October, Jason Neilus and his friends hung out with two-month old seal pups along the Farne Islands. Jason said they’ve visited the site for the past six years, but they’ve never met pups as friendly as this bunch.

Didga & Ollie

Didga & Ollie

Didga the cat hops on his skateboard “Ollie” and takes to the streets of Australia to show off his not so much his ability to do skate tricks, but the incredible patience he has to to remain on the skateboard. And jumping over Rottweilers.

The Egg Cam

The Egg Cam

John Downer Productions has captured incredible imagery of birds in their native habitats. In this clip a striated caracara picks up their clever egg-shaped camera, and provides us with POV aerial footage of a rockhopper penguin colony.

No to Kennel Time

No to Kennel Time

YouTuber John Ventresco teased his dog Blaze that it was time to get in his kennel. Blaze has a simple response, although he needs to put more life in his protests. As it is it kinda sounds like Blaze is blazed.


Shocked Cat

Shocked Cat

We don’t know if we should pity or envy this cat. All we know is that it clearly had its mind blown for a significant amount of time. What truth was revealed, cat? Or is this just another one of your catnip trips?

Grateful Squirrel

Grateful Squirrel

This is Ramon the squirrel. He’s very grateful that YouTuber K. John Stewart gave him some nuts K. John is his favorite person in the world how do we know that because K. John is a squirrel translator we want more more more

Spider Dances to YMCA

Spider Dances to YMCA

YouTuber Dario Trovato remixed Jurgen Otto’s video of a peacock spider, turning its courtship display into a fabulous disco dance. It looks like the arachnid equivalent of the YMCA is the YYYY.

Siren Dog

Siren Dog

We’ve heard a kid imitate sirens, but we’d rather listen to YouTuber Yamato Suzuki’s dog. If this Golden Retriever came with ambulances, folks would feel better before they even got to the hospital. Waaaauuuwawawawaw!

Jujitsu Cat

Jujitsu Cat

Mike Goldberg here at AFC 1, we have Cat in the black fur and Dog in the black and gold fur. Looks like Dog isn’t afraid of being taken down by – OH! MY! GOODNESS! IT IS AAAAALL OVER! CAT REMAAAAINS SUPREME. (Thanks Wilbert!)




(NSFW: Language) Forgive Jeffrey Moffatt’s vertical video. He didn’t have the time to think about that. Jeffrey was hunting at Northern Alberta Outfitters when black bears wandered into his location. He was atop a tree. Didn’t help.

Dog vs. Baby Gate

Dog vs. Baby Gate

We’ve used baby gates to keep our dogs out of rooms we don’t want them in, but the only time they’ve foiled the system is by jumping over them or brute force. Not Java. She’s got her own system that’s decidedly more clever.

GoPro & Kevin Richardson: Lions

GoPro & Kevin Richardson: Lions

GoPro went to Africa with “lion whisperer” Kevin Richardson to hang out with and learn more about hyenas and lions. Richardson warns us that our vision of Africa as a continent filled with wild animals is fast becoming a fantasy.

Best of Web 6

Best of Web 6

(NSFW) Luc Bergeron aka Zapatou is back with his compilation of the best YouTube videos of 2013. While we disagree with a few of his picks – underwater boxing? – overall his list is really solid. Spider-deer!

An Engineer’s Guide to Cats 2.0

An Engineer’s Guide to Cats 2.0

Paul Klusman updates his earlier work with the help of his friend TJ and their numerous cats. Learn about the artistic and scientific interests of felines, their economic significance and the phenomenon they call CISCIS.

Doggy Longlegs

Doggy Longlegs

“Everyone’s having fun floating, and I’m just standing here T-rexin’.” Lots of dogs are excellent swimmers, but this tall chocolate Labrador doesn’t get its appeal, even as its buddies seem to be yelling at him to try it.

Buffalo Launches Lion

Buffalo Launches Lion

Ian Matheson and his son Oliver were in Africa’s Mjejane Reserve when they stumbled onto a buffalo rescuing another from a lion attack by flipping the predator into the air. Apparently, all of the animals walked away unscathed.

Corgi on a Carousel

Corgi on a Carousel

Meatball is a jaunty little Pembroke Welsh Corgi who likes his daily run. But he prefers to spin endlessly in a circle on the playground carousel over other methods of locomotion. Guess it beats buying a treadmill.

Fainting Squirrel

Fainting Squirrel

YouTuber Honor Via nicknamed this black squirrel Tippy, because the little fella keeps on fainting and falling over. Curiously, it seems like Tippy faints only if he’s standing on his two hind legs, and only ever falls to his right.

Dancing Dog

Dancing Dog

From the looks of his crazy dance moves, this jumpy Russian German Shepherd dog must really like his cheesy 1980s dance music. That or he just really needs to go out and pee.



We prefer the moniker “birddogs” for these amusing hybrid animals created by carefully merging dogs and birds into a new species – courtesy of Adobe Photoshop. We definitely wouldn’t want to get hit by falling dird poop.


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