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Pirates! Band of Misfits (Trailer)

Pirates! Band of Misfits (Trailer)

Hugh Grant stars as a luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain in Aardman’s latest, who aspires to win the Pirate Of The Year Award, despite a rag-tag crew and impossible odds. (Thanks Anthony!)

Ticklish Dog

Ticklish Dog

Boston terrier Mackie likes being tickled. At least we think he does, because from the way he laughs we can’t decide if he’s being tickled or electrocuted. And doesn’t he look like this famous dog owner?


Taking Mom for a Ride

Taking Mom for a Ride

Darius Kashabi is a sportbike champ, but he can zip around in a car too. A fact that we’re sure his mom will never forget after this drive around the famous Laguna Seca raceway in a Corvette Z06.

Overacting Bullets

Overacting Bullets

YouTube comedy duo Barats and Bereta find themselves in a shootout, but are disappointed when their enemies die undramatically. Good thing they have all kinds of bullets to take care of that.

Spotify (U.S.)

Spotify (U.S.)

The music streaming, sharing and purchasing service that’s taken Europe by storm finally comes to the States. Spotify users enjoy access to millions of tracks on multiple platforms, including mobile.

The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook

The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook

Made by Pascal Monaco and his fellow students as their graduate project at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover. How many pages would the Michael Bay cookbook have?

Tattly Temporary Tattoos

Tattly Temporary Tattoos

From the founder of swissmiss comes a hip new store for temporary tattoos. Since Tattly is online, people can easily submit designs, so pretty soon there’ll be something for everyone.


Fan-made Bioshock Posters

Fan-made Bioshock Posters

Stefan Petit spent 6 months recreating all of the posters he could find in Bioshock. Unfortunately he can’t sell the posters without getting sued, but at least we can download them for free.

Can’t Hug Every Cat

Can’t Hug Every Cat

Remember the eHarmony Cat Lover? How about Nyan Cat? And the Gregory Brothers? These (and many other cats) head on a direct collision course in their latest auto-tuned wad of bubble gum.

Paletas (Book)

Paletas (Book)

It’s so hot out that the lack of paleteros in your area is dangerous. Worry not. The authentic recipes in Fany Gerson’s Paletas will show you how to perfect your own Mexican cool-down treats.

Somewhere to Disappear

Somewhere to Disappear

Laure Flammarion & Arnaud Uyttenhove followed photographer Alec Soth as the latter worked on his photo book. A film about the fantasy of escape, a fantasy shared by both Soth and his subjects.

USA Map, NY Style

USA Map, NY Style

Dan Abramson’s very amusing map of the USA as interpreted by New Yorkers, who apparently have no sense of geography, seems pretty fair, considering the world revolves around Gotham.


Bikamper Tent

Bikamper Tent

If you’re like us, your crazy fantasy of leaving on a cross-country bike trek just got a little crazier thanks to Topeak’s Bikamper. It’s a personal shelter that uses your bike in place of tent-poles.

Holy Robin Compilation!

Holy Robin Compilation!

YouTuber tedfufu will shatter your fond memories of classic cartoon Batman and Robin in two and a half minutes. We can barely believe that Robin actually said half of the things in this video.

Takabisha Roller Coaster POV

Takabisha Roller Coaster POV

YouTuber purplefinale gives us a front row seat on the Takabisha, one of the rides at the Fuji-Q Highland amusement park. Its 121º freefall angle makes it the world’s steepest roller coaster.

Batman Arkham City: Riddler

Batman Arkham City: Riddler

The latest trailer from Batman: Arkham City dives into the obsessive and warped mind of the Riddler, aka Edward E. Nigma, and gives up a glimpse of some of the traps in store for the Caped Crusader.


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