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Awesome Videos

asdfmovie: Deleted Scenes

asdfmovie: Deleted Scenes

Given how ridiculous TomSka’s offbeat asdfmovie animated series can be, we’re surprised any of it ever ended up on the cutting room floor. But here’s a few never-before-seen bits for us to SUDDENLY PINEAPPLES.

Instant Karma at Work

Instant Karma at Work

If you ever worry that a-holes don’t get what they deserve, just tune in for the next four minutes and enjoy Uniformedia’s compilation of stupid people (and birds) getting their just desserts for their ill manners and bad behavior.


How Not to Save Africa

How Not to Save Africa

(NSFW: Language) So you’re telling me, that you can solve Africa’s problems by oversimplifying them? From the folks behind the hilarious Africa for Norway comes another indictment of lazy and offensive fundraising campaign ads.

The Record Breaker

The Record Breaker

Brian McGinn’s short film about Ashrita Furman, who holds over 350 Guinness Records. A funny and sincere documentary about a man who loves raising the bar, although the quality of the bars he raised won’t raise the bar of bar-raising.

Toy Story x Eminem

Toy Story x Eminem

(NSFW: Language) Mr. Shark goes H.A.M. in this mashup by YouTuber ManWithShutterShades. He mixed a silly scene from the original Toy Story with Eminem’s tongue-scorching double time verse in Rap God.

Remote Controlled A-380

Remote Controlled A-380

We’ve seen some impressive remote-controlled jets before, but never one that so faithfully replicates a commercial airliner like this working 1/15th scale model of an Airbus A380. It’s over 15 feet-long and has a wingspan of 17+ feet.

Waiter ter ter ter…

Waiter ter ter ter…

YouTuber Wouter van der Put came across this waiter and part-time comedian in Portugal who has a curious talent. The man can speak as if his voice was being echoed. But with a silly power comes an even sillier origin story.


Breaking Bad: Alternate Ending

Breaking Bad: Alternate Ending

While the way Breaking Bad ended was immensely satisfying, we all thought about the possibility at some point that Walter White was really just the dad from Malcolm in the Middle – and it was all a bad dream. Here’s that ending.

The Coach Who Never Punts

The Coach Who Never Punts

Football coach Kevin Kelley has an unusual strategy. No matter the field position, his team always goes for it on 4th down, and only does on-side kicks. He sites statistical analysis as the justification, but we think he’s just got balls.

Alfonso Cuarón’s “IKEA”

Alfonso Cuarón’s “IKEA”

Daniel Hubbard created this parody of the space epic Gravity, in which the unrelenting, disorienting blackness of space is replaced with the unrelenting, disorienting blue and yellow of Sweden’s mega store. And meatballs.

Key & Peele: Tackle and Grapple

Key & Peele: Tackle and Grapple

Martial artist Doug Duggart will teach you all of the important Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves you need to know to defend yourself from would-be attackers – assuming you meet his singular criteria – you’re not a dude.

Unintended Scientific Discoveries

Unintended Scientific Discoveries

If necessity is the mother of invention, human error must be its drunk uncle. Mental Floss presents 24 popular or revolutionary products and concepts that were discovered entirely by accident, from penicillin to plastic.


Screw You Stick!

Screw You Stick!

YouTuber johnbod spotted this frustrated elephant calf at the Fort Worth Zoo in Texas. Apparently the calf and his kin were chewing pieces of wood, so he was trying to break a stick into smaller pieces. Wait for it…

Prof. X. Fires Angel

Prof. X. Fires Angel

(NSFW: Language) “Those are bird wings, just huge and on a man.” After getting rid of Wolverine and Gambit, Pete Holmes’ evil Professor X turns his attention to Angel, who henceforth shall now also be known as Bird.

White Ranger vs. Scorpion

White Ranger vs. Scorpion

Super Power Beat Down pits a Power Ranger against an undead ninja. Tommy was kind enough not to use his giant robot, while Scorpion was kind enough to wait while his opponent summoned his sword. Skip to 4:08 for the battle.

Creating the Cosmos

Creating the Cosmos

Joey Shanks shows off a simple, yet clever method for creating images of simulated cosmic bodies, using sheets of glass, food coloring, and milk. Our favorite trick is how he uses dust particles for the stars.

Security Questions

Security Questions

An IT employee struggles to complete his new coworker’s login credentials because they can’t come up with an appropriate security question. A good script and even better acting from Will Hines and Neal Casey.

The Hunger Games: 8-Bit Edition

The Hunger Games: 8-Bit Edition

If The Hunger Games were The Hunger Video Games, we hope it would look and play like this. We only wish that it had a train level with a drunk Woody Harrelson and a TV studio with Stanley Tucci in a powdered wig.

Worst Toaster Ever

Worst Toaster Ever

We’re on a quest for the perfect toaster around here. The one in The Awesomer HQ leaves our bread either completely white, or burnt beyond recognition. We most definitely have taken these angular toasters off the consideration list.

The North Face: The Explorer

The North Face: The Explorer

In this promo for outdoor wear outfitter The North Face, a familiar hero guides us through inspiring images and thoughts, encouraging us to explore and delight in the many wonders our universe has for us to experience.

Yuki Says Hello

Yuki Says Hello

YouTuber James Kimball taught his Shiba Inu Yuki to greet the way humans do. We detected a hint of sarcasm a couple of times though. Perhaps she’s actually saying “Hell no!” Hear her talk some more here.

CD Animation

CD Animation

Have some CDs lying around? Don’t just use them as coasters! Revamping a classic form of animation, frames were printed onto 189 discs to produce a very cool and appropriate effect for the video of Life is Music by Japanese band SOUR.

Watch Dogs: Fan Film

Watch Dogs: Fan Film

A live-action depiction of Ubisoft’s upcoming open world action adventure game Watch Dogs. Despite sometimes dodgy acting, Infectious Designer did a great job with the short. Aiden Pearce is the 21st century teenager’s idol.


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