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Awesome Videos

Snickers Korea: Hungry Rescue Kit

Snickers Korea: Hungry Rescue Kit

Recent Snickers’ commercials often demonstrate how “you’re not you when you’re hungry.” Here’s how that slogan plays out in a pair of commercials for the South Korean market. C-A-L-A-R! Color! (Turn captions on)

The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox

Despite the potential, why is it that we’ve never run into aliens? Is it really possible we’re the only life forms? Kurzgesagt looks at the many reasons why we have yet to find anyone else out there. Basically, it’s just really hard to make life.


The Last of Us Cinematic Playthrough

The Last of Us Cinematic Playthrough

(SPOILERS) YouTuber Grant Voegtle made and edited a playthrough of Naughty Dog’s masterpiece that makes it look more like a film than a game. It’s broken into seven episodes, with the last one available on 5/15.

50 Shades of Grey Honest Trailer

50 Shades of Grey Honest Trailer

(PG-13: Language) “I wish somebody would tase me right now/This story’s ’bout as sexy as rabies right now.” For its 100th episode, Screen Junkies takes on one of the most awful movies ever made and the cursed book it’s based on.

GTA 2 Live

GTA 2 Live

It’s but a distant memory, but Grand Theft Auto was once a top-down shooter. Votja Paul decided to replicate the classic view of GTA 2 by capturing real-life action with a drone. The God’s Eye View is still one of our favorite cinematic tricks.

TETRIS Pranksters

TETRIS Pranksters

Rémi Gaillard and his pals dressed up as a set of TETRIS blocks and proceeded to try and fit in wherever they could. They seem to have taken the word “block” too literally, causing traffic jams and other inconveniences along the way.

Slow-Mo Cat Duo

Slow-Mo Cat Duo

Like the spectating pug video, there’s not a whole lot to this video of two cats jumping in sync. However, there’s something about the slow-mo, combined with the trippy music that make the whole much greater than the sum of its parts.


Magician’s POV

Magician’s POV

YouTuber MagicFergie wore a GoPro while performing a classic card trick. Seeing the trick from his perspective doesn’t ruin it at all. It does make it easier to pretend that you’re the one who’s blowing people’s minds.

Star Wars: The Binks Awakens

Star Wars: The Binks Awakens

“Me-sa back!” YouTuber murdockmotion is a true disciple of the Dark Side, for he knows the villain that Star Wars fans deserve: Darth Jar Jar. The only way he’ll be more hated is if his apprentice was a midi-chlorian.

Deadpool vs. Deadpool

Deadpool vs. Deadpool

(Gore) Bones, muscles and metafictional walls break as the comic book version of Deadpool goes up against his ugly super-powered hybrid self from X-Men Origins: Wolverine in this short fight scene by YouTuber ismahawk.

Jay Leno’s ’36 Harley Knucklehead

Jay Leno’s ’36 Harley Knucklehead

Jay Leno shows off his unrestored 1936 Harley-Davidson EL “Knucklehead”. It was practically a concept motorcycle, but it’s still mechanical enough that he made it work after about 30 years of neglect with just a bit of cleaning.

Coke: Man & Dog

Coke: Man & Dog

Psyop’s animated commercial for Coca-Cola shows an enthusiastic dog – aka a dog – putting a bit of wonder back into his jaded master’s world. TL;DW: Dogs are high and Coke gives you dog vision… but only if you stole it?


Fallon & Jack Black: More Than Words

Fallon & Jack Black: More Than Words

Jimmy Fallon and Jack Black cover Extreme’s ballad More than Words in this shot-for-shot remake of the song’s music video. Well, mostly shot-for-shot. They got Gary Cherone’s perm right, but Jack overdid the hand gestures a bit.

The Chemical Brothers & Q-Tip: Go

The Chemical Brothers & Q-Tip: Go

The breakbeat masters reteam with director Michel Gondry for a decidedly less complex video than Let Forever Be, but the minimal imagery lets this awesome track shine that much more. From the forthcoming album Born in the Echoes.

Arnold Acts out His Films

Arnold Acts out His Films

After getting Tom Hanks to reenact scenes from his movies, Late Late Show host James Corden convinced Arnold Schwarzenegger to do the same, acting out scenes and catchphrases from his best known movies. The True Lies bit is classic.

3-Year-Old Snooker Ace

3-Year-Old Snooker Ace

Adam Wynne doesn’t have the strength yet to do a break shot, and his arms barely clear a pool table. But this talented 3-year-old has been playing snooker for most of his life. It sounds funny, but the result speaks for itself.

A Vulcan Explains Star Wars Day

A Vulcan Explains Star Wars Day

Don’t know what was so special about May 4? Let UCB Comedy and Star Trek: Voyager actor Tim Russ explain everything that’s important about Star Wars and its birthday, including the Fourth, the Death Ball and of course the girl character.

Turkish Sand Coffee Is Magic

Turkish Sand Coffee Is Magic

Not only is Turkish coffee some of the most potent caffeinated drinks you can get, the way that this particular variant is made looks like some sort of a magic trick, as the liquid gold rises from the bottom of the metal cup each time it boils.

Nunchaku Kid 2

Nunchaku Kid 2

YouTuber Bruce Ryu shows off more of his son Ryusei’s nunchuck and acting skills. Watch as the kickass kid imitates his idol Bruce Lee’s moves and lines from a fight scene in Game of Death.



We love the colorful paint and marker illustration style in animator Nata Metlukh’s graduation short, a film that shows that while we shouldn’t let our fears rule us, they can sometimes keep us out of harm’s way too.

NBA x Game of Thrones 3

NBA x Game of Thrones 3

The Sinker of Threes, the Atlanta Wargs, the King of Chemistry and more vie for the Larry O’Brien throne in the third installment of Bleacher Report and Mutsack’s Game of Thrones and NBA mashup. Valar Moreflopping.

Blur & Jimmy Fallon: Tender

Blur & Jimmy Fallon: Tender

While backstage at The Tonight Show, recently reunited UK mega-band Blur turned in a heartfelt performance of Tender, accompanied by Jimmy Fallon and way more people than should comfortably fit in the Green Room.

LWT: Standardized Testing

LWT: Standardized Testing

Last Week Tonight looks at standardized tests in the US. What should be an objective system often appears to be inaccurate, convoluted and unfair to both students and teachers. If they even make sense at all.


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