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Awesome Videos

Notification Explosion

Notification Explosion

Here’s a glimpse at what it’s like to be famous. Or at least, Instagram famous. Dutch soccer player Demy de Zeeuw runs a football-themed Instagram account with 8 million followers. Here’s how that mob responds when he posts an update. Time to disable notifications.

Building a Super Hornet

Building a Super Hornet

Watch the complex process of assembling an F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jet, reduced to just about three minutes. Each $52 million dollar plane is almost entirely handbuilt at Boeing’s St. Louis plant, with robots handling only a small portion of the process.


Ross Marquand: Nano-Impressions

Ross Marquand: Nano-Impressions

Most recently, we’ve been watching Ross Marquand kill it as Aaron on The Walking Dead. But you might not realize that he’s also an impressionist. In this clip for Vanity Fair, Ross performs a variety of improvised impressions of celebs thrown into random situations.

The Key

The Key

(PG-13) “Dude, think of all the potentialities!” Two men are going to test the limits of their friendship based on a cryptic clue that supposedly holds the key to mankind’s greatest secret. If only scams were this funny.

Animal Collective: FloriDaDa

Animal Collective: FloriDaDa

(Flashing lights) “I found myself there a collagin’ with all of the human race, a dancer from Ghana smiling in Tijuana.” The dancing baby is back, and he brought his family with him in the colorful music video for Animal Collective’s fun single from their new album Painting With.

Making Brock Lesnar’s Knife Tattoo

Making Brock Lesnar’s Knife Tattoo

Jimmy DiResta put on his best Man at Arms impression and made a real world replica of the long-ass knife tattooed on WWE wrestler Brock Lesnar’s torso. The result is as intimidating as it is impractical.

The Floating Gas Tank

The Floating Gas Tank

YouTuber Wallace TheMadKing created this headscratcher of an illusion that looks like a propane tank floating in mid-air at the end of a chain. Stick around long enough, and he’ll show you the extensive work he went through to pull off the trick.


The Building Is on Fire

The Building Is on Fire

Michelle Dobyne’s impassioned tale of her building catching on fire recently went viral, so The Gregory Brothers got to doing what they do best. In exchange for your laughter, consider helping Michelle and her family at the address listed in the YouTube comments.

Put the Pedal to the Paper

Put the Pedal to the Paper

We’ve seen YouTuber Aliaksei Zholner’s papercraft V6 and four-cylinder miniature engines. One of his latest creations is a V8 engine. As if that wasn’t awesome enough he also made a working throttle for it.

It’s Always Sunny in Tatooine

It’s Always Sunny in Tatooine

Anakin would never succumb to the Dark Side. Because of the implication. Suffer through the Star Wars prequels’ horrible acting and Jar Jar Binks for a great joke at its expense, with the help of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

The Two-time Golden Globe Winner

The Two-time Golden Globe Winner

When he presented the (nonsensical) 2016 Golden Globe award for Best Comedy, Jim Carrey was introduced as a two-time winner of the accolade. He must have found the title both hilarious and annoying, because he proceeded to build a stand up routine around it.

The Shotgun Nailgun

The Shotgun Nailgun

YouTuber MattV2099 glued nails into shotgun shells, then fired them at close range using a Arsenal SGL41 Saiga 410 – a Russian AK-style shotgun. It’s not a practical way to nail things together, but it’s certainly one of the most dangerous ideas we’ve ever seen.


Dolní Morava Sky Walk

Dolní Morava Sky Walk

The Sky Walk is a 180ft-tall winding footpath. Located nearly 3700ft. above sea level at the Dolní Morava resort in the Czech Republic, it offers a breathtaking view of the Morava river valley. If you don’t want to walk back down, you can take its 330ft.-long slide.

Graham Norton: Best of 2015

Graham Norton: Best of 2015

The Graham Norton Show looks back at another year of funny stories, on the spot skits and more with borderline drunk celebrities. Sadly, the compilation also has an unnecessarily long Seth MacFarlane karaoke clip and Nutscapes. Don’t look that up.

The Tunnel Zipper Truck

The Tunnel Zipper Truck

Lock Block Ltd. built this custom truck which allows them to build free-standing tunnels by using the roller-covered, arched rear of the truck as a temporary support as their brick structures are set into place. We recommend changing your playback speed to 2x.

Literal Bear Hug

Literal Bear Hug

The man in this clip seems like a big guy, but he’s dwarfed by the size of the huge brown bear that seems to be thrilled to have human companionship. We saw this right after watching Roar, which shows why humans might not want to get so close to wild animals.

Ricky Gervais Golden Globes Opener

Ricky Gervais Golden Globes Opener

(PG-13: Language) “Listen, if you do win tonight, remember that no one cares about that award as much as you do.” Ricky Gervais’ monologue at the 2016 Golden Globes. He should’ve just said, “I wonder if Leo will win an Oscar this year?” and left.

Polite Pony Thief

Polite Pony Thief

In 2014, YouTuber Thomas Dambo made a wooden My Little Pony sculpture, but it was stolen just a day after he displayed it in public. Luckily, he was able to track down the thief. What follows is a bizarrely heartwarming exchange.

“Dog Proof” Bin

“Dog Proof” Bin

MeMe, a smart and skillful Australian shepherd dog demonstrates why us humans should stop wasting money on things that are designed to keep pets out, and just give them full access to our kitchens. In fact, just let them have the keys to the car and set the GPS for PetSmart.

David Bowie (1947-2016)

David Bowie (1947-2016)

David Robert Jones aka David Bowie passed away on 1/10/16 from cancer, two days after he turned 69, and released a new album. Though he didn’t always hit paydirt, Bowie always pushed the limits of music and style, and expanded our hearts, souls, and minds.



Every summer, Jesse Attanasio gets to take a few weeks off work. Over the last couple of years he spent his vacation time by traveling across North America, capturing landscape time-lapses and “inhaling experiences” along the way. Available in 4K.

Obi-Wan Remembers the Truth

Obi-Wan Remembers the Truth

“I was once a Jedi knight, same as your father.” Obi-Wan Kenobi’s grim past comes back to haunt him when the young Luke Skywalker asks about his father. YouTuber Shahan Reviews bridges Revenge of the Sith with A New Hope in this dramatic mashup.



This fresh-picked animation from Ed Jacoby’s Hogwash! Industries is as disgusting as it is hilarious. We couldn’t help but think of the offbeat, gross-out humor of Ren and Stimpy when we watched. Now get your finger out of your nose, Ed.


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