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Awesome Videos

Television Credits

Television Credits

(NSFW: Language) David Mitchell rants about the chaotic assault of stimuli at the end of TV shows: credit roll + voice over + scenes from next episode + banner announcing the next show…

Brokeback About Nothing

Brokeback About Nothing

Seinfeld was a sitcom about nothing, but it ran for so long and had so many episodes that you can probably make up any kind of story using scenes from the series. Take this one for example.


Hexacopter Africa

Hexacopter Africa

A mesmerizing and dizzying POV camera flight through the beautiful coastline, waterfalls, forests, and people of Cameroon, Africa. Courtesy of the MM6 Hexacopter with an on-board camera.

Astonish Me

Astonish Me

The WWF (no, not that WWF) exposes us to some unusual and extraordinary recently discovered species, encouraging us to preserve our planet and habitats so we still might discover more.

Alternative Mariachi

Alternative Mariachi

Mariachi Rock-O takes on a variety of rock and alternative tunes. This clip shows off their Radiohead, but also check out The Cure, Coldplay, The Killers and Bowie. Buy the MP3s here.

Secrets, Secrets

Secrets, Secrets

All-girl sleepover parties include tickle fights and ice cream sundae eating, but until we saw this video, we really had no clue how extreme things can get when it comes time to share secrets.

Real-Life Napoleon Dynamite

Real-Life Napoleon Dynamite

There is absolutely nothing in this video that isn’t awesome. The get-up, the music, the dance moves, the butterfly knife, the chillin’ leopard art, and then there’s… just watch the whole thing.


Joy Ride

Joy Ride

(NSFW: Language) Another short and sweet gem from the folks at 5 Second Films. Saying anything more about a flick this short would be spoiling it, so just sit back and watch. Then watch it again.

Danny’s Industrial Revolutions

Danny’s Industrial Revolutions

Street trials rider extraordinaire Danny MacAskill takes his impressive bike talents and sick tricks into an industrial train yard and some derelict buildings in the Scottish countryside.

Petey Plays Volleyball

Petey Plays Volleyball

Petey the wonder dog enjoys the occasional game of volleyball. And we’re not talking about a random bounce here and there – he can volley longer than most humans could. No serves yet, though.

Conan the Barbarian Fan Trailer

Conan the Barbarian Fan Trailer

(NSFW) The Monocular Group’s Conan the Barbarian: Sex, Swords, Rock & Roll should be the official trailer for the movie. If this doesn’t make you want to watch the movie, nothing will.

Keep on Walking

Keep on Walking

We like the soundtrack and clips in this movie montage; a myriad of shots have been strung together where the camera is following someone who is walking or running. (Thanks Brian!)


GTA IV iCEnhancer Mod

GTA IV iCEnhancer Mod

Believe it or not, that’s a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto IV. The graphical improvement is due to Keilany Hassam’s iCEnhancer mod, which is currently at version 1.3 beta. More here and here.

Norway Slopeflying

Norway Slopeflying

Hold on to your shorts for a beautiful, death-defying flight through the mountains of Stryn, Norway. For the first minute or so, we had no idea how or where these guys were going to land.

Painted Glass Animation

Painted Glass Animation

Carine Khalifé says she listened to Blown Minded off Young Galaxy’s album SHAPESHIFTING  over 1,000 times to get the atmosphere just right for this glass-painted, stop-motion animation.

Anti-Gravity Machine

Anti-Gravity Machine

Ok, it’s not really an anti-gravity machine, but dropping a stack of neodymium magnets into a piece of copper tubing causes them to float through as if they were in zero-G. Damned physics.



Animator Lasse Gjertsen tells the story of one man’s journey through life, told in the pixelated style of retro video games. Pay careful attention to the score and health indicators throughout.

Captain Awesome vs. Artillery

Captain Awesome vs. Artillery

(NSFW: Language) He may have the same shield and mask as Captain America, but that’s where the similarities end for Captain Awesome, who doesn’t seem to quite understand what a shield is used for.

Tempest Academy Grand Opening

Tempest Academy Grand Opening

Footage from the grand opening of the Tempest Freerunning Academy. With a an array of walls, ramps, trampolines, bars and foam pits, it’s the parkour or freerunning enthusiast’s idea of heaven.

Final Destination Death Montage

Final Destination Death Montage

(NSFW: Language, Gore, Spoilers) Previously, on Final Destination: A ton of people died. Screened does us all a huge solid, collecting all of the death scenes from the first four movies.

Inside the Fastest Bike

Inside the Fastest Bike

Go for a ride inside the cockpit with driver Rocky Robinson as he sets the land speed record for a 2-wheel streamlined motorcycle, zipping along the Bonneville Salt Flats at a gut-rumbling 376mph.

Living Room Drifting

Living Room Drifting

Looking for a surefire way to end up sleeping in the doghouse? Do like this guy and take your ride for a spin in the middle of your living room. They’re going to need a whole case of floor wax after this.

Andy Goes Hillbilly Handfishin’

Andy Goes Hillbilly Handfishin’

If you thought the mere concept of a show called Hillbilly Handfishin’ was ridiculous enough, just wait until Andy Richter gets down and dirty with some muddy fish, er, men. (Thanks, Susannah!)


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