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Awesome Vacuum

Making a Vacuum-powered Dragster

Making a Vacuum-powered Dragster

Using large syringes, Tom Stanton shows us how the vacuum captured inside can be used to drive gears, a belt, and an axle. The result is a mini dragster that travels an impressive distance compared to the short distance that the syringe’s piston moves.

Exploding Gold in a Vacuum Chamber

Exploding Gold in a Vacuum Chamber

If you’ve ever handled gold leaf, you know how fragile the thin metal sheets are. The Slow Mo Guys used this to their advantage by placing gold leaf inside a jar, removing all the air, and then letting air back in to make it shatter into tiny particles. Naturally, they captured the explosive decompression with a high-speed camera at 80,000 fps.

Building a Mini Hyperloop Train

Building a Mini Hyperloop Train

While a full-scale version of the Hyperloop is a long way off, engineering teams have created costly scaled-down prototypes of Elon Musk’s envisioned high-speed railway. James from ProjectAir did things on an smaller scale, using off-the-shelf and 3D-printed parts with a shop vac to pull a model train along the outside and inside of an acrylic tube.

Playing the Melodica with a Vacuum Cleaner

Playing the Melodica with a Vacuum Cleaner

A melodica is a combination of wind and a keyboard instrument. Vinheteiro is used to performing on piano, but he couldn’t be bothered to blow into his melodica, and he hired a shop vac assistant to provide the wind. We wonder what other wind instruments you could do this with and still produce anything resembling music.

Stretch Armstrong Gets Swole

Stretch Armstrong Gets Swole

After subjecting a goo-filled Stretch Armstrong figure to his shredder (or was it the other way around?), PressTube decided to stick the figure inside of a vacuum chamber. I still fun to see him all pumped up, but we were hoping for a big boom.

Vacuum vs. Marshmallow Bear

Vacuum vs. Marshmallow Bear

The Vacuum Chamber answers a question we never knew we wanted the answer to until now: What does a giant marshmallow gummy bear look like when you suck all the air out of the room? Press play and find out.

Skin Packaging Machine

Skin Packaging Machine

Another video to file under the “oddly satisfying” category, Cpack Pendle Machinery shows off the SP7, their latest “skin packaging” machine – a device which uses heat and a vacuum to seal oddly-shaped items into flat packages.

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