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Awesome Foxes

The Fox and the Banjo

The Fox and the Banjo

Musician Andy Thorn was enjoying a beautiful view and playing his banjo when a wild fox dropped in for a private concert. The little guy liked the music so much that he came back for more after he started to wander off. This wasn’t just a random occurrence either.

Fox Goes Fishing

Fox Goes Fishing

In this brief but highly satisfying video posted by Scott Galloway, a fox shows off exactly why they have a reputation for grace and intelligence, especially when it comes to hunting their prey. Watch as this little fella waits by a hole in the ice, then fishes out its meal like a champ.

The Crystal Fox Puppet

The Crystal Fox Puppet

Whether or not you loved The Last Jedi, you’ve got to hand it to the effects departments for their work on the film. While we assumed the Vulptex (aka “crystal foxes”) were CGI, it turns out they built an amazing animatronic puppet for close-ups, then scanned it for digital use.

Fox Makes a Sandwich

Fox Makes a Sandwich

You’d think that a fox wouldn’t care if the bits of bread and sausage he found on the ground were organized in any way, but this sly guy spotted in Chernobyl stacked his meat and bread into a 5-decker sammie before he carried it off.

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