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Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror

Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror

A commercial for the second season of Black Mirror, a show by British satirist Charlie Brooker about the consequences of gadget addiction. Sadly, it will be aired only in the UK. Season 1 DVD here.



Show your girl you seriously love her with this hankie when you take her out this Valentine’s Day that actually blocks cell signals. Includes a dark Mexican chocolate bar for extra Brownie points.


A Dog, a Stick and a Fence

A Dog, a Stick and a Fence

YouTuber Mikkii D has a joke for you: a dog with a stick walks into a fence. A dog with a stick walks into a fence. A dog with a stick finally gets through the fence. A dog with a stick walks into a post.

Beatbox Goat

Beatbox Goat

Prepare to write your dopest lines while Beatbox Goat takes care of the percussion. Seriously though don’t fool around with goats and their horns. You might be in for a different kind of beat.



(NSFW: Language) A 28-min. film set in World War I. Hollywood has flooded us with war movies, but if you have the time – and ample reserves of happiness – you’re in for a moving work of art.

Dude Perfect x Johnny Football

Dude Perfect x Johnny Football

Football phenom Johnny Manziel is known for his agility and speed, but if you’re wondering if he has the eagle eyes of an elite quarterback, watch him match Dude Perfect trick shot for trick shot.

Bioshock Infinite: Columbia

Bioshock Infinite: Columbia

A grainy, retro-styled documentary which provides insight into the history of Bioshock: Infinite’s unusual floating city, Columbia. On second thought, it asks more questions than it answers.


Building Movers

Building Movers

An incredible engineering feat in Zurich, Switzerland as a construction crew puts the 6800+ ton MFO building on tracks and moves it down the block. Time-lapse by Patrick Gautschy. (Thanks Rostek!)

Jedi Kitten with The Force

Jedi Kitten with The Force

This Jedi Kitten possesses a very special gift – though he prefers to use his powers for evil, not good. We’re going to name him Anakitty Skywalker. VFX by FinalCutKing.

Bike to the Future

Bike to the Future

Sugarboy’s latest imaginative clip takes on Back to the Future, but with a DeLorean BMX, a talking dog, aliens with laser mouths and Spielberg a plenty. Bob Zemeckis directed BTTF, but we forgive you.

One Lucky Biker

One Lucky Biker

A moped rider is sitting a bit too far forward when an 18-wheeler has a little trouble making the turn. We’re guessing this guy had to go change his underwear immediately. (Thanks Ray!)

Invisible Driver Prank 2

Invisible Driver Prank 2

Magician Rahat milks his car seat costume for all it’s worth and messes with even more drive-thru attendants. As a YouTuber suggested, he should try combining this with his other tricks.


Helvetic Tricking

Helvetic Tricking

Micha Hurni of Swisstricks shows off his tricking moves in various locations around Switzerland. Filmed at 400fps with a Sony FS700. The song is Seven Lions’ remix of Cosmic Love.

Fix It Sticks

Fix It Sticks

A smart, durable and easy-to-carry modular bike multitool with fixed steel hex and screwdriver bits, and assembles into a “T” to give you better leverage. Made from lightweight aluminum.

Path of Exile (Trailer)

Path of Exile (Trailer)

An upcoming action RPG with 6 classes, a unique skill system that uses gems and a massive skill tree, PVP and randomly generated levels. Best of all, it’s completely free. Sign up for the beta here.

Nothing Else Majeur

Nothing Else Majeur

MajorScaled TV digitally transposes sad songs to a major scale, replacing the melancholic mood with a strangely happy one. Listen to what they did to Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters.


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