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Awesome Wikipedia

If You Tried to Print Every Wikipedia Edit

If You Tried to Print Every Wikipedia Edit

Wikipedia is the world’s largest repository of human knowledge. For fun, xckd’s What If? calculated how many printers you’d need to keep up with the edits being made every day – just to the English site. This Wikipedia page shows how many books you’d need to hold only English articles without images. Now, multiply by 10 to get the global numbers.

Graphing Wikipedia

Graphing Wikipedia

This might look like abstract art, but it’s based entirely on data from Wikipedia. Developer adumb wrote code to graph the relationships between content on the crowdsourced encyclopedia. The image maps over 6.3 million Wikipedia articles and 195 million links between them. adumb explains some interesting things he observed along the way.

Abc. x Wikipedia Shirt

Abc. x Wikipedia Shirt

The Wikimedia Foundation ventures into streetwear to help fund Wikipedia. The organization teamed up with up and coming street label Advisory Board Crystals to create a long-sleeved shirt. All proceeds will go to Wikipedia.



WikiWand is a free browser extension that overhauls the look and interface of Wikipedia. It uses a big serif typeface, lets you preview links on hover, forces the table of contents to scroll with you and even loads faster.

TL;DR Wikipedia

TL;DR Wikipedia

(NSFW: Language) Wikipedia is the start of our ascent descent journey towards a hive mind. TL;DR Wikipedia is our collective common sense. It’s The Onion of general information. It’s the Fake Science of trivia. It’s the Wikipedia of snark.



The ultimate unitasker, the WikiReader lets you read all of Wikipedia offline (it updates via SD card); it has a B&W screen, four buttons and can run up to 12 months on two AAA batteries.

Wikipedia: The Book

Wikipedia: The Book

It’s already outdated, but Rob Matthews’ Wikipedia Book is a 5,000 page tome that includes Wikipedia’s 2,500+ featured articles; we’re gonna bet that editing is disabled on this one.

Thanks Wikipedia Tee

Thanks Wikipedia Tee

Worshipped by students but anathema to college professors and teaching assistants, we actually used Wikipedia while writing this post to figure out what anathema means; Thanks, Wikipedia!

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