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Awesome Wendover Productions

The Science of Crowd Control

The Science of Crowd Control

Large groups of people can be intimidating and occasionally dangerous. But why are some crowds well-behaved and others chaotic? Wendover Production digs into the science and psychology at work when it comes to crowd behavior. Competitiveness, stress, and crowd density have a lot to do with the worst-case scenarios.

The World’s Shortest Flight

The World’s Shortest Flight

The flight between Scotland’s Papa Westray and Westray islands is incredibly short, covering a distance of 2 kilometers in less than 90 seconds. But it does actually serve a purpose. Tom Scott took flight, and let San Denby from Wendover Productions narrate instead of annoying people on the flight with his own explanation.

How Air Traffic Control Works

How Air Traffic Control Works

Every day of the year, thousands of flights safely take to the skies around the globe. Focusing in on a popular route between London Heathrow and Frankfurt am Main airports, Wendover Productions explains the sheer complexity of coordinating the flight of a jumbo jet, as it moves between different air traffic control centers.

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