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Awesome Victorian

Datcrazy Pencil Sharpening Machine

Datcrazy Pencil Sharpening Machine

Datcrazy dusted off the designs from a Victorian-era pencil sharpener to create a version using modern techniques. Constructed from precision-engineered metal and wood, this 6.6-pound, hand-cranked contraption is the ultimate conversation piece for your desk. It’s being made in batches of just 100 units.

Vintage Milkshake Mixer in Action

Vintage Milkshake Mixer in Action

A modern milkshake mixer is a pretty uninteresting appliance. Apparently, it was much more entertaining to watch milkshakes being made back in the 1890s. Rescue & Restore shows us why with this video of a vintage, hand-cranked milkshake machine that shakes milk and ice like an earthquake.

San Francisco House Movers

San Francisco House Movers

What do you do when you love your house, but it’s not in the right location? Simple. Put it on a flatbed truck and move it. That’s what recently happened in San Francisco, as a team of expert building relocators moved the Englander House, a 139-year-old, 6-bedroom Victorian-era home, to its new location, six blocks away.

Victorian Snowball Fight

Victorian Snowball Fight

In the earliest days of moving pictures, filmmaking pioneers Auguste and Louis Lumière captured footage of a serious snowball throwdown on a city street. More recently, not.bw restored the original footage, bringing out detail and colorizing the wintry scene. Man, they really nailed that dude on the bicycle.

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