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Awesome Slinky

Master Slinky Manipulator

Master Slinky Manipulator

“Slinky Josh” Jacobs, knows a thing or two about bossing around springy playthings. In this video from WIRED’s Obsessed series, the Slinky master shows us some basic tricks, explains the proper equipment, then really shows off. It’s also the only time we’ve heard the phrase “burgeoning Slinky manipulation community.”

Synchronized Slinkies

Synchronized Slinkies

The guys from Douyin channel Rainbow Circle love to show off their skills using rainbow-colored slinky-type toys. Among their performances is this duo handling their colorful spring toys in perfect sync. And then there’s this triple-threat.

The Slinky Master

The Slinky Master

We know they walk down stairs, alone or in pairs, and make a slinkity sound, but we had no idea that a Slinky could be used as the centerpiece for a crowd-pleasing stage show, as this participant on a Chinese TV talent show demonstrates. Original video here.

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