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Awesome Open Source

Signal Private Messenger

Signal Private Messenger

Signal is a multiplatform and open source text and voice chat app that focuses on privacy and is completely free to use. It uses end-to-end encryption to ensure your messages and calls can’t be deciphered en route. It’s available for iOS, Android, Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Tabby Evo Electric Vehicle

Tabby Evo Electric Vehicle

OSVehicles is working on Tabby EVO, an open source electric vehicle. It has a 15kW drivetrain, a range of 87mi and a top speed of 80mph. You can procure prototypes and download its design files here. More on Make:.

The Imaginary Marching Band

The Imaginary Marching Band

The Imaginary Marching Band project is creating open-source wearable musical instruments, which let you pretend to play trumpets, trombones, drums and more with apps like Garage Band.



Unlogo uses video filtering software to detect and replace brand logos. The software is open source, so it can be tweaked for other purposes. Perhaps to obscure adult-only footage? Or video bombs.

Video: 3D Capture at 60fps

Video: 3D Capture at 60fps

Using a PlayStation Eye and the open-source structured light scanning project, Kyle McDonald’s 3D Capture at 60fps is a work in progress but still mind-blowing; more: DIY, videos.

Open Source Coins

Open Source Coins

These silver-plated bronze Open Source Coins may not be free like the causes they represent, but $3 of each goes to the Free Software Foundation; available in Linux and FSF flavors.

DIY: Chumby Guts

DIY: Chumby Guts

Loved for being open-source and hacker-friendly, Chumby is now available in kit-form; Chumby Guts is cheaper and comes unassembled, but is limited to 3 per order due to popularity.

Video: Frankencamera

Video: Frankencamera

The Frankencamera is an open-source camera made by Stanford scientists; it’ll let you tweak focus, exposure and more on a software level while lenses and sensors can be swapped out.

DIY: Open Source PSP

DIY: Open Source PSP

Matt’s Open Source PSP isn’t a PSP, but named for its Sony-like dual controllers; still, it’s a fun DIY project that uses TripleWide Extendershield and Arduino to play two-player Pong.

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