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Awesome Novelties

Funny 12-Volt Accessory Plug Covers

Funny 12-Volt Accessory Plug Covers

Don’t have anything to plug into your car’s 12-volt accessory outlet? These covers turn unused outlets and cigarette lighters into buttons you might find in James Bond’s Aston Martin. The set of two machined aluminum plugs includes “FIRE MISSILE” and “EJECT” buttons you can use to amuse your passengers. Available in red or black anodized finishes.

Filthy Rich Cocktail Napkins

Filthy Rich Cocktail Napkins

Act like a real fat cat with these $100 bill cocktail napkins from Fred. Pass them out to all of your guests, and by the end of the night, your fat stacks of cash will be reduced to a pile of crumpled-up paper covered with food, drink, and lipstick stains. Toss some into the fireplace for added effect.

Emotional Support Chicken

Emotional Support Chicken

Are you having a tough day… or a tough life? You could use some emotional support. Archie McPhee’s soft vinyl rubber chicken is here for you to lean on. And when you give him a squeeze, he’ll squawk to show his support. And if you’re feeling really edgy, consider grabbing a Stress Possum while you’re at it.

World’s Smallest Board Games

World’s Smallest Board Games

If you’re used to losing game pieces from your board games, then you definitely will want to skip these tiny games. Super Impulse makes teensy weensy versions of Scrabble, Monopoly, and Operation, each of which is guaranteed to frustrate, and should probably be played with tweezers.

LEGO Brick Erasers

LEGO Brick Erasers

When you build with LEGO, it’s easy to correct your mistakes just by unsnapping and snapping some bricks. Now, LEGO can help you correct your written mistakes, assuming you use a pencil. These novelty erasers look just like 4×2 LEGO blocks. They’re sold eight to a pack, in four light and airy colors.

Family Peacemaker

Family Peacemaker

A classy alternative to drawing straws, this brass cylinder comes with 10 metal pegs, each engraved with a number. When you need to decide who’s going first in a board game or any other activity, you simply draw pegs to determine the order. It’s funny to us that it resembles a revolver cylinder.

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