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Awesome Max Payne

A Day in the Life of Max Payne

A Day in the Life of Max Payne

Another spot on videogame parody by YouTuber timtimfed. This time he takes on Max Payne 3, ridiculing its intrusive visuals, the depressing atmosphere and Max’s signature move shootdodge.

Max Payne: Valhalla

Max Payne: Valhalla

(NSFW:Language) Zapruder Pictures condenses the events of the first Max Payne game. To save yourself from being surprised or annoyed, note that this is about the game itself, not just its story.

Max Payne 3: Multiplayer Pt. II

Max Payne 3: Multiplayer Pt. II

Max Payne 3 will entice players with multiplayer that is infused with narrative – e.g. performance-based changes in objectives or conditions, encouraging rivalry – and unique power-ups.

Max Payne 3: Bullet Time

Max Payne 3: Bullet Time

(Gore) The defining mechanic of the Max Payne series, Bullet Time gets enhanced by a plethora of stances and dodge moves, as well as dynamic kills based on where you plant bullets on enemies.

Max Payne 3: Multiplayer

Max Payne 3: Multiplayer

Max Payne’s trademark Bullet Time and Shoot Dodge make their way into multiplayer. The action will remain fast paced and tactical though – only players in your line of sight will drop into slow-mo.

Max Payne 3 (Trailer 2)

Max Payne 3 (Trailer 2)

It seems like Jungle Shirt Max and his other visages are done with the drugged and bloody past of the old Max Payne. The time-manipulating cop has hit rock bottom and is merely a hired gun.

Max Payne 3: Design and Tech 2

Max Payne 3: Design and Tech 2

Rockstar Games and their multitude of Max Paynes – our favorite is Jungle Shirt Max – showcase the practical and aesthetic value of the game’s character animations and weapon combinations.

Max Payne 3: Design and Tech

Max Payne 3: Design and Tech

(Gore) Rockstar gives us a look at the design and technology behind upcoming third-person shooter Max Payne 3. Expect realistic character movements and dynamic and detailed gunplay.

Max Payne 3 (Trailer)

Max Payne 3 (Trailer)

The gravel-voiced cop who pioneered bullet time in video games is back. Rockstar Games picks up the Max Payne franchise from Remedy Entertainment, losing the noir style but keeping it gritty.

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