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Awesome Look Mum No Computer

Delaying Audio with Copper Tubing

Delaying Audio with Copper Tubing

Look Mum No Computer enjoys making music with analog audio gear like modular synthesizers. In this video, he goes even further to avoid digital technology by making a reverb device out of a spiral of copper tubing. By placing a small speaker at one end of the tube and a microphone at the other it produces some interesting audio delay effects.

Heart Rate Drum Machine

Heart Rate Drum Machine

For the 2023 YouTube Makers Secret Santa, Sam from Look Ma No Computer drew Ali Spagnola’s name out of the gift-giving hat. Given her passion for music and fitness, he got to work building a unique drum machine that changes rhythm based on her heartbeat. Sam received a similarly awesome gift from engineer James Bruton.

Vivaldi on an Analog Synath

Vivaldi on an Analog Synath

Look Mum No Computer is known for building some crazy electronic music makers. He’s also a master of wiring and programming modular synthesizers. He put together this fantastic arrangement of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons that’s every bit as good as Wendy Carlos’ analog synth classic Switched-On Bach.

The Teletubby Tidal Wave

The Teletubby Tidal Wave

After building an organ out of Furbies and an orchestra out of LEGO, musical hacker Look Mum No Computer has unveiled his latest creation, an army of interconnected Teletubbies who wiggle and giggle in sync thanks to a custom controller system. The sound of 30 Pos and LaLas is just as annoying as you might imagine.

Leslie Speaker Guitar

Leslie Speaker Guitar

Look Mum No Computer adds to his collection of unusual musical instruments with a custom guitar that has a Leslie Speaker as its body. These vintage performance speakers had a motorized baffle which created a unique analog warble. In a second video, he added a Perspex enclosure and a Doppler effect.

Thousand Oscillator MegaDrone

Thousand Oscillator MegaDrone

Look Mum No Computer is always building strange and wonderful electronic musical instruments. His latest creation is a massive wall full of oscillator circuits, which, when played together, create an equivalently massive wall of sound. If a symphony played synths instead of strings, it might sound something like this.

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