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Awesome Genetics

Are Humans Continuing to Evolve?

Are Humans Continuing to Evolve?

Science says that all living things are the result of evolution. But do species stop evolving at some point or do they keep changing? Joe from Be Smart explains what things influence these changes and the question of whether science, medicine, and technology have allowed humans to bend the laws of natural selection.

DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test + Dog Training Bundle


Knowing your dog’s breed and genetics can help answer questions about their health, demeanor, and abilities. This bundle includes a DNA My Dog breed identification test, plus 12 hours of lessons to help train your pooch to be a better dog citizen. Get a $10 in-store credit with a $50 purchase in The Awesomer Shop through 8.29.2021.

Engineering Living Robots

Engineering Living Robots

Researchers from The University of Vermont and Tufts University have created tiny “xenobots,” which use living cells manipulated to perform tasks. AI algorithms guided the microsurgery used to create these organic machines which could someday clean microplastics from oceans, or repair organs in our bodies.

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