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Awesome Duct Tape

The Brilliant Engineering of Duct Tape

The Brilliant Engineering of Duct Tape

Duct tape is an incredibly useful and versatile tool for repairs. Engineer Guy Bill Hammack provides a scientific explanation of what makes it so strong, examining its three main components and how the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You’ll also learn about the complexities of developing adhesives for different uses.

Objects + Duct Tape vs. Hydraulic Press

Objects + Duct Tape vs. Hydraulic Press

Duct tape is an incredibly strong and versatile mending tool. But can it help objects stand up to the force of the mighty 150-ton hydraulic press? HPC wrapped some everyday items in thick layers of the sticky silver stuff to see if it improves its ability to survive the press?

Adam Savage Hates Duct Tape

Adam Savage Hates Duct Tape

During his 14 seasons on MythBusters, Jamie and Adam tested more than their share of myths involving duct tape. So when asked what his favorite brand of the sticky stuff was by a follower, you might be surprised to learn that Adam can’t stand the stuff. Watch and learn why and what he recommends using in its place.

Scented Duct Tape

Scented Duct Tape

As if we weren’t relying on duct tape enough already, Duck Tape has released a line of scented duct tapes. It’s available in lemon, bubble gum, cupcake, grape, orange cream or mint scent.

Electrical Tape Art

Electrical Tape Art

Japanese Artist Takahiro Iwasaki created this intricate cityscape using a single roll of electrical tape, carved with a precision knife. Check out more of the artist’s diverse works over on Colossal.

Duct Tape Tron

Duct Tape Tron

The effects in the original TRON weren’t exactly high-tech, but did you know they made light cycle chase using duct tape? Ok, they didn’t. That doesn’t make this ad for Duck Tape any less awesome.

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