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Awesome Dubbed

Star Wars: Larry

Star Wars: Larry

What if Old Ben Kenobi wasn’t a tormented Jedi master, but was a deadbeat criminal and drug addict instead. Auralnauts put together this hilarious redub about a totally different person named Obi-Wan-Steven-Ben-Larry-Bongjo-Kenobi as he’s hunted by Space Influencers with the coolest strut.

Trains in Distress

Trains in Distress

YouTuber theseheavenlybodies replaced the sound of trains with the sound of people screaming. We imagine this is what would happen if the Coen brothers made a live-action version of Thomas & Friends. We should do a similar dub for this clip.

It Wasn’t Me: Muppets Edition

It Wasn’t Me: Muppets Edition

For his latest video redub, Mylo the Cat has Kermit the Frog channeling Rikrok’s vocals, and The Swedish Chef perfectly cast as Shaggy as they take on the classic reggae-rap track. All we can say is that Miss Piggy is gonna murder Kermie this time.

Black Hole Sandwich

Black Hole Sandwich

(PG-13 Language) Day Job Orchestra’s nonsensical, obscenity-filled redub of Kanye, Star Trek and Little House on the Prairie is what Bad Lip Reading would be if it were written by a roomful of 10- to 12-year-old boys.

Mullet Whistler Re-Dub

Mullet Whistler Re-Dub

It was only a matter of time before someone got a hold of the Mullet Whistler. Yes, Stephen Brydle has turned everyone’s favorite talk show guest into a scatman the likes of which you’ve never seen.

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