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Awesome Cute

CUTE ft. Dog of Wisdom

CUTE ft. Dog of Wisdom

Our favorite all-knowing, all-seeing canine is back, and he has an official music video. He’s got a bit of an ego from his popularity, so the only wisdom he’s dispensing this time is about his cuteness. It’s like one of those rap songs where the rapper just brags about how great he is. Dog is being cute, though, so he gets a pass.

Adorable Circle of Life Book

Adorable Circle of Life Book

Artist Alex Solis created this hilariously warped “children’s” book which features cute and fuzzy animals doing what they do in real life – eating other smaller, cuter and fuzzier animals. Solis also made a coloring book along the same lines.

Hidden Home Planters

Hidden Home Planters

Could you use some more cuteness in your life? Look no further than these adorable little planters which feature scenes of animals who dwell beneath the ground. They come in a rabbit version and a hedgehog version and are perfect for small house plants like cacti and other succulents. Made from painted resin.

Pikachu ASMR

Pikachu ASMR

Do you love Pokémon? Then put on your headphones and crank up the volume for an immersive audio session with Pikachu. The adorable, electrically-charged pocket monster romps around the living room, fills our ears with adorable noises for 15 minutes, and eventually doses off.



We started the 2010s with Nyan Cat, and now we can kick off a new decade with another rainbow-dispersing musical kitty, courtesy of animator MyF*ckinMess, musician Patricia Taxxon, and vocalist Bert Gotrax, who only exists in digital form. Can’t get enough? Try the 10-hour loop version.

Robot Dog Obstacle Course

Robot Dog Obstacle Course

We know it’s not a living, breathing creature, but we found the wobbly antics of Delta Hack’s low-tech robotic “dog” stumbling across various obstacles to be adorable. We couldn’t stop rooting for the little guy as it flopped and fumbled its way through the course.

Confused Malamutes

Confused Malamutes

These ridiculously cute malamute puppies are perplexed by the music being played, and twist and turn their heads as they attempt to figure out what sort of creature makes those strange sounds. They’re like living bobbleheads.

Doge vs Cabbage

Doge vs Cabbage

A vicious pack of Shiba Inu pups takes on their mortal enemy – a farm-grown chinese cabbage plant. Watch as they chomp into the plant with their mighty incisors, reducing their foe into a chopped salad by the end.

Street Fighter: Xtremely Cute Edition

Street Fighter: Xtremely Cute Edition

With the success of Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. franchise, it appears that Capcom is jumping on the bandwagon of cute and cuddly things beating the stuffing out of each other. Another hilarious video from our friends at Marca Blanca.

Sloth Magic

Sloth Magic

With faces that could melt the iciest of souls, it makes absolutely no sense to us that sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. Let’s enjoy 90 seconds of slothy goodness courtesy of the Sloth Appreciation Society. Yup, that’s a thing.



Don’t judge a cat by its fur. While this kitty may look evil, he subscribes to the Golden Rule. Watch as he engages in a sweet exchange of affection with his owner. We wonder if they feed each other as well.

Canine Virtuoso

Canine Virtuoso

This musical act has literally gone to the dogs. Though this pup doesn’t seem to mind being used as a stringless string instrument. These guys need to get together with Keyboard Cat and go on tour.

Synchronized Kittens

Synchronized Kittens

What happens when you gather seven Maine coon kittens in a line and then flick a feather around in front of them? Internet magic, that’s what. Yes, its disgustingly cute, but sometimes we need a break from all the violence and gore.

Sloth Week

Sloth Week

In stark contrast to Discovery’s deadly Shark Week, Animalist.com and Animal Planet are going to kill us with cuteness with their version -Sloth Week. A full week of Slothy goodness starts today (6/20) at SlothWeek.com.

Here Goes Something…

Here Goes Something…

What we would give to see the young girl in this video as she musters up the courage to pull off her first ever ski jump. We’ll have to settle for an adorable audio overload. Can you really blame her for being nervous staring down that incline?

World’s Cutest Taekwondo Fight

World’s Cutest Taekwondo Fight

We thought these bruisers held the title for cutest Taekwondo match but it looks like they have some serious competition with these adorable tiger cubs. Hope the girls have licenses for their lethal, polka-dotted weapons.

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