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Awesome Christian Bale

Christian Bale Breaks Down His Characters

Christian Bale Breaks Down His Characters

If you haven’t read the recent interview that GQ did with actor Christian Bale, you should definitely check it out. He also sat down with the magazine to talk about many diverse roles over the years and how he gets deep into the minds, bodies, and mannerisms of his characters, from Patrick Bateman to Batman.

Christian Bale Script Meeting

Christian Bale Script Meeting

(PG-13: Language) Actor Christian Bale is known for his almost insane level of dedication to his roles, especially his ability to lose and gain insane amounts of weight for some roles. In this sketch from Dogfood, Bale insists on messing with his diet, regardless of the part.

Hostiles (Teaser)

Hostiles (Teaser)

Christian Bale stars as an Army captain who must escort a Cheyenne chief and his family through dangerous territory. The “one last mission before I retire” thing has been done to death, but it seems fresh in this setting. From director Scott Cooper (Black Mass, Crazy Heart).

The Ultimate Batman Complex

The Ultimate Batman Complex

In 2011, YouTuber themanbatman combined scenes from The Machinist, The Dark Knight, Inception and more to make The Batman Complex, a fan trailer that depicts Bruce Wayne as a schizophrenic. Here’s his updated version of the trailer. It’s Moon Knight: The Movie.

Knight of Cups (Trailer)

Knight of Cups (Trailer)

The latest from Terence Malick (Tree of Life, The Thin Red Line) is a star-studded parable about a man (Christian Bale) who lives a shallow life of excess and celebrity, and the real life he longs for. The plot synopsis provides no further clues.

Dark Knight Rises x The Prestige

Dark Knight Rises x The Prestige

YouTuber Dominaz3000 combines Bat-imagery with audio from Nolan’s other Christian Bale/Michael Caine collaboration, The Prestige, creating one of the more compelling fan-made trailers we’ve seen.

The Fighter (Trailer)

The Fighter (Trailer)

The Fighter, starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale, tells the compelling tale of boxer “Irish” Micky Ward’s rise to the world light welterweight title, shepherded by Dicky, his troubled half-brother.

Mel Gibson vs. Christian Bale

Mel Gibson vs. Christian Bale

NSFW Language: It was an inevitable mashup. The two biggest hotheads on tape go off on each other in this obscenity-filled rant, filled with more F-bombs than an entire season of The Sopranos.

Funny: Darth Bale

Funny: Darth Bale

NSFW: Christian Bale’s tirade is last year’s news, but it’s also relevant in a galaxy far, far away: a petulant Dark Side meets an equally petulant Dark Knight in Darth Bale. Thanks, Libby!

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