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Awesome Bagpipes

Making Bagpipes from an Inflatable Duck Pool Float

Making Bagpipes from an Inflatable Duck Pool Float

Musician Nicolas Bras is known for making all kinds of unusual and inventive musical instruments. One of his sillier creations is this bagpipe he made from a duck-shaped pool float for its bag. But the duck is just full of hot air. The real music makers are the membrane clarinets he fabricated from PVC pipe.

Crazy Train on Bagpipes

Crazy Train on Bagpipes

Who here thought that an Ozzy Osbourne song would sound good played on bagpipes? The talented and beautiful Ally the Piper proves that with the right arrangement, it can definitely work. Her cover of the 1980 hit Crazy Train is as solid as any we’ve heard. And if you’ve ever wanted to know how bagpipes work, Ally is here to help.

Latex Glove Bagpipes

Latex Glove Bagpipes

What do Kenny G and bagpipes have in common? Well if you watch this video by science and nature vlogger Charlie Engleman, you’ll find out. Along the way, you’ll also learn how to make your own bagpipes from a latex glove, two straws, and some appropriately Scotch tape.

Bollywood Bagpipes

Bollywood Bagpipes

When we think of bagpipes, we think of Scotland, not India. But Archy J aka The Snake Charmer makes these worlds collide with the energetic Bollywood-inspired wedding song Mehndi Da, combining Celtic, Punjabi-Indian, and EDM sounds into a delightful musical melange.

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