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Awesome Astrophotography

Dwarf 3 Astrophotography Camera

Dwarf 3 Astrophotography Camera

Like the Dwarf II, this automated astrophotography camera tracks and follows celestial objects and stacks photos for incredible detail. The new model has an upgraded Sony sensor, wider lenses that capture more of the sky, improved filters, and a longer-lasting battery. It can also shoot the sun and moon, huge panoramas, and even identify birds it photographs.

Jupiter Rotates in Real Time

Jupiter Rotates in Real Time

Are you ready to slow down and breathe? Well then, click play on this video and observe one full rotation of Jupiter. Interplanetary posted this relaxing footage captured by NASA and ESA’s Hubble telescope. It takes 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 30 seconds to complete the taks, the fastest of any planet in our solar system.

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